Havergal Brian.

Started by Harry, June 09, 2007, 04:36:53 AM

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Guess what arrived in the mail today!!!

...the copy I'm giving a friend for Christmas. My own copy I'm receiving from my parents for Christmas. So I have it in my hands but can't give it a hear until the 25th  :(

J.Z. Herrenberg

What exquisite torture.

Hang in there, hero.
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. -- Plato


A FLAC download from Hyperion for £12.49!

Regarding the offer for Brian on Music. Thank you very much for this kind offer,'Lethe',but I  used my sisters book tokens to buy a new copy! :o (I found them in the kitchen cupboard when I was looking for the pliers! :o) This will take a while to absorb.


Good luck with the book, and prepare for an overload of Elgar and Delius-related fanboyism from Brian ;D
Peanut butter, flour and sugar do not make cookies. They make FIRE.


Uh-oh! I like S-O-OME Delius,but I just gave some of the concerto cds to a charity shop! :o Can't get anywhere with them!


Hehe, I am not the biggest Delian, but Brian's enthusiasm is infecious and is a great read in and of itself - even if I don't intend to use it as listening notes for the pieces themselves.
Peanut butter, flour and sugar do not make cookies. They make FIRE.

J.Z. Herrenberg

Poor Delius. And his music is so easy - just go with the flow, don't dissect this butterfly, and you'll experience pure beauty. But that's me...
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. -- Plato


Quote from: J. Z. Herrenberg on December 10, 2011, 09:46:40 AM
Poor Delius. And his music is so easy - just go with the flow, don't dissect this butterfly, and you'll experience pure beauty. But that's me...

And me.

I'm totally unable to understand the conformist antipathy toward Delius. There's something wrong with you all ::)


People say the same about Feldman, but I wouldn't expect everybody to love his music ;)
Peanut butter, flour and sugar do not make cookies. They make FIRE.


Delius is not one of my very favourite but 'In a Summer Garden' is a magical piece and I also like 'Paris', 'North Country Sketches, 'Brigg Fair' and the Piano Concerto, as well as his 'Requiem' the ending of which I find very moving.
"Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm" (Churchill).

'The test of a work of art is, in the end, our affection for it, not our ability to explain why it is good' (Stanley Kubrick).


Delius ??? ???

What sort of name is that for a Yorkshireman anyway? Geoff Boycott...yes. Fred Trueman...yes. Roy Hattersley...yes. William Hague...yes.

But "Delius"?  Even the "Fred" won't do ;D

Now...if he had been born in France that might have been better.

Sixteen Delius cds on my shelves.......and not a speck of dust on any of them ;D

What's this thread about again............... ::) ::)


At this rate we're going to have to rename it the Brian & Delius thread. Or maybe Delius & Brian? Team them up like Morecambe & Wise.
Although,it could be worse,like,Little and Large! :o


Quote from: Dundonnell on December 10, 2011, 01:47:59 PM
Delius ??? ???

What sort of name is that for a Yorkshireman anyway? Geoff Boycott...yes. Fred Trueman...yes. Roy Hattersley...yes. William Hague...yes.

But "Delius"?  Even the "Fred" won't do ;D

Now...if he had been born in France that might have been better.
Let's not get into Gustav Holst! :o
It could get complicated!

Or,why I'm using a painting avatar on a music thread!


One of HB's ancestors in the 18th century spelled his surname "Bryon"; sounds welsh to me :o


Roy Harris had Welsh ancestry. I remember reading this & trying to hear some 'Welshness' in his imposing & sadly neglected third symphony. Alas! But there could be something there,somewhere! Vaughan Williams is another one. According to Wikipedia 'Vaughan Williams is an unhyphenated double-barrelled name of Welsh origin". My parents are always telling me that he must have some Welsh ancestry. Mind you......we're only just over the border! :o


Iechyd dda!

So we have all the right composers, but not necessarily in the right order...



With a good Yorkshire name like Harry Worth,Delius could have made a name for
himself doing laudable things like this in shop windows:


Quote from: hbswebmaster on December 11, 2011, 04:38:51 AM
Iechyd dda!

So we have all the right composers, but not necessarily in the right order...


Did you get my 5 December email about the 'Gothic' articles on my blog? In case it got in your spam filter, my answer was yes, go right ahead. :)



Apologies, I hadn't joined the dots ... the 'Brian' refers to you, not HB!

Yes, I did indeed, and thank you - I am having difficulty replying to anything via email as I'm travelling in the Middle East at the moment and reasonable connection is sporadic.



Quote from: hbswebmaster on December 11, 2011, 07:33:13 PM
Apologies, I hadn't joined the dots ... the 'Brian' refers to you, not HB!

I've just addressed this issue in a Twitter post. :)

Safe and happy travels - holiday or business? I'm half-Turkish and was in Istanbul this April, but haven't ventured any farther into the Middle East than Turkey.