WTC 2 via sampled piano and midi manipulation

Started by johnlewisgrant, October 12, 2018, 06:33:52 PM

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I've had this material up a Youtube for years: All 24 of the preludes and fugues from Bk 2 of Bach's Well-tempered are there.  I constantly amend them.  But I'm reasonably happy with them, at this point; which is to say, I'm not horrifically uncomfortable with them.  These are MIDI edited, as well.  Not to death, I hope.  But I don't shy away from doing whatever I think is necessary to get close to what I "hear" in my head.

I have a Hailun 218 at home, and quite a bit of recording equipment, including some "not bad" microphones.   Still, the results using the "real thing" were not good enough for "me."  The technology I use here, alternatively, is a "sampled piano", which allows me, within limits, to experiment with alternative microphones and physical spaces.  I find the result pleasing enough, and interpretatively useful enough, that I am able to listen to what I've done and, as a result, to hear the individual preludes and fugues from Book 2 from a different point of view. 

So, here it is:

No Youtube advertisements, by the way.  I don't need the money, not there IS any, or WOULD be any.  And, I hate the ads.

If anyone's aware of a BETTER site where I can post these, I'm interested.  By "better," I mean better than 128kps, which is what Youtube's audio provides.  The original recordings are in 24 bit, 48k; and sounds much, much better. 

Postscript: I'm still not happy with my C major prelude & fugue, so feel free to skip them, if you wish!
J. S. Bach, The Well-tempered Clavier, Books 1 and 2 complete