Coronavirus thread

Started by JBS, March 12, 2020, 07:03:50 PM

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Karl Henning

Quote from: André on January 27, 2021, 03:45:23 PM
I don't think we'll see drive thru clinics for that kind of testing... ::)

Bottoms up!
Karl Henning, Ph.D.
Composer & Clarinetist
Boston MA
[Matisse] was interested neither in fending off opposition,
nor in competing for the favor of wayward friends.
His only competition was with himself. — Françoise Gilot


Do you think it's morally acceptable that Israel should vaccinate teenagers before vulnerable people have been vaccinated in Palestine?
Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen


Quote from: Mandryka on January 27, 2021, 10:27:24 PM
Do you think it's morally acceptable that Israel should vaccinate teenagers before vulnerable people have been vaccinated in Palestine?

Of course not, if the vaccine is the same. But different vaccines may have different properties, which make them suited to different kinds of populations.
Reality trumps our fantasy beyond imagination.


I've read that the official Israeli explanation for not engaging in any Palestinian vaccinations is that they're not responsible for anything in those areas.

Organizations like HRW tend to say otherwise:
"Israel's duties under the Fourth Geneva Convention to ensure medical supplies, including to combat the spread of pandemics, are heightened after more than 50 years of occupation with no end in sight (...) The Palestinian authorities' own obligations to protect the right to health of Palestinians in areas where they manage affairs do not absolve Israel of its responsibilities (...) The United Nations body responsible for monitoring this treaty has confirmed that Israel is obliged to respect this treaty in the occupied territory, and to protect the right to health and other rights of the population there.." (etc.)

Here in DK, lock-down has been prolonged until the end of February. So around 10 weeks in a row. Infections are still going down slowly, but the continued measures are due to fear of the advance of the new mutations.
And our government is about to present a further assistance packet to the local business life, comprising DKK 170 billion, a gigantic amount, about 23 billion Euros, or 3,500 Euros per Dane ... they'll mainly be opportunities for companies to get temporary loans without any fees, as I understand it, so far, though.
Employment rates are rising however, for the 7th month in a row, which is good.


I was vaccinated yesterday. Received a text Saturday afternoon offering four appointments for the following day of which I chose the earliest at 8.3O am, I understand they are operating 8am to 8pm seven days a week. The hub was at Epsom Racecourse which is about a twenty minute drive. Chanced my arm ;) and although she wasn't called took the wife along with the hope ..... with some puffing of cheeks they did eventually agree to give her the jab too.
The whole operation is impressive without stress and we were in and out within the hour - asked to stay on for 15 minutes to check for any reaction. On arrival drove straight into the parking area but when we left traffic was building.
We had the Pfizer vaccine, the nurse said this is the most effective and would give 90% protection within three weeks. We were advised a text would be sent between 8 and 12 weeks for the appointment of a second jab. Hopefully we can see our grandchildren soon.   
You must have a very good opinion of yourself to write a symphony - John Ireland.

I opened the door people rushed through and I was left holding the knob - Bo Diddley.


Big congrats from here, that's encouraging to hear about!

Pohjolas Daughter

Quote from: Irons on February 01, 2021, 08:20:45 AM
I was vaccinated yesterday. Received a text Saturday afternoon offering four appointments for the following day of which I chose the earliest at 8.3O am, I understand they are operating 8am to 8pm seven days a week. The hub was at Epsom Racecourse which is about a twenty minute drive. Chanced my arm ;) and although she wasn't called took the wife along with the hope ..... with some puffing of cheeks they did eventually agree to give her the jab too.
The whole operation is impressive without stress and we were in and out within the hour - asked to stay on for 15 minutes to check for any reaction. On arrival drove straight into the parking area but when we left traffic was building.
We had the Pfizer vaccine, the nurse said this is the most effective and would give 90% protection within three weeks. We were advised a text would be sent between 8 and 12 weeks for the appointment of a second jab. Hopefully we can see our grandchildren soon.   
Hurrah!  So happy for both of you!

I know that you want to see your grandchildren soon; however, wouldn't it be best to wait until your son and his wife have also been vaccinated?  Or have they been already?

They just started vaccinating the over 75s in my area.  One of my neighbors sent me a photo of her partner getting his first jab this past weekend.  Not certain when my age group will start being vaccinated.


T. D.

Quote from: Pohjolas Daughter on February 01, 2021, 08:54:04 AM
Hurrah!  So happy for both of you!

I know that you want to see your grandchildren soon; however, wouldn't it be best to wait until your son and his wife have also been vaccinated?  Or have they been already?

They just started vaccinating the over 75s in my area.  One of my neighbors sent me a photo of her partner getting his first jab this past weekend.  Not certain when my age group will start being vaccinated.


Good to hear of successful vaccinations!
My (US) county is only vaccinating 75+ y. o. right now. It's been a fiasco, undersupply and confused bookings. I'm 63 and not expecting anything soon. Maybe in March?


Quote from: Irons on February 01, 2021, 08:20:45 AM
I was vaccinated yesterday. Received a text Saturday afternoon offering four appointments for the following day of which I chose the earliest at 8.3O am, I understand they are operating 8am to 8pm seven days a week. The hub was at Epsom Racecourse which is about a twenty minute drive. Chanced my arm ;) and although she wasn't called took the wife along with the hope ..... with some puffing of cheeks they did eventually agree to give her the jab too.
The whole operation is impressive without stress and we were in and out within the hour - asked to stay on for 15 minutes to check for any reaction. On arrival drove straight into the parking area but when we left traffic was building.
We had the Pfizer vaccine, the nurse said this is the most effective and would give 90% protection within three weeks. We were advised a text would be sent between 8 and 12 weeks for the appointment of a second jab. Hopefully we can see our grandchildren soon.   
Excellent news Lol! My wife, as an interpreter who goes into hospitals, had her jab a couple of days ago (Oxford/Astra Zeneca). She felt lousy for a couple of days after but is fine now. As a 65 year old teacher I'm curious to know when I may expect to be vaccinated but I'm not expecting anything anytime soon.
"Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm" (Churchill).

'The test of a work of art is, in the end, our affection for it, not our ability to explain why it is good' (Stanley Kubrick).

Pohjolas Daughter

Quote from: T. D. on February 01, 2021, 09:07:09 AM
Good to hear of successful vaccinations!
My (US) county is only vaccinating 75+ y. o. right now. It's been a fiasco, undersupply and confused bookings. I'm 63 and not expecting anything soon. Maybe in March?
Sorry to hear that it was "a fiasco".  :(  From what I understand (brief conversation with neighbor), things went pretty smoothly for them.  How are folks/you being notified in terms of when you can call in/make an appointment?


71 dB

Quote from: Irons on February 01, 2021, 08:20:45 AM
I was vaccinated yesterday.

That's great!  :)

The vaccinations of 85 year olds and older started in Helsinki, but my father, 82, needs to wait for his turn for some time. At this point about 145,000 Finns have been vaccinated.

A Finnish nurse named Sari Roos figured out how to squeeze seven vaccines out of one Pzfizer-Biontech vaccine bottle instead of five or six.
Spatial distortion is a serious problem deteriorating headphone listening.
Crossfeeders reduce spatial distortion and make the sound more natural
and less tiresome in headphone listening.

My Sound Cloud page <-- NEW Jan. 2024 "Harpeggiator"


Thanks everyone for positive response to my post, much appreciated. Although in good health I am 73, so classified as vulnerable. Was warned of a possible reaction, headache maybe, but there was none. I understand the system is well on track for the over 70s, so Jeffrey I do not think you will have long to wait, my guess March. 
You must have a very good opinion of yourself to write a symphony - John Ireland.

I opened the door people rushed through and I was left holding the knob - Bo Diddley.

71 dB

Quote from: Irons on February 02, 2021, 12:33:00 AM
Was warned of a possible reaction, headache maybe, but there was none.

That's good to hear. Yeah, those reactions are rare, but some people get them so they warn about them. Frankly even if there's headache/fever, isn't that a small price to pay for protection against corona virus?
Spatial distortion is a serious problem deteriorating headphone listening.
Crossfeeders reduce spatial distortion and make the sound more natural
and less tiresome in headphone listening.

My Sound Cloud page <-- NEW Jan. 2024 "Harpeggiator"


In my state the governor has decided that 65+ in phase 1c are more important than teachers and other frontline workers in phase 1b... so I guess it will be longer before I get the shot (I'm a teacher).

T. D.

Quote from: Pohjolas Daughter on February 01, 2021, 12:30:07 PM
Sorry to hear that it was "a fiasco".  :(  From what I understand (brief conversation with neighbor), things went pretty smoothly for them.  How are folks/you being notified in terms of when you can call in/make an appointment?


There are 2 County-run vaccination sites, which are zoos and the nearest one is over an hour's drive. You have to sign up via e-mail for an appointment. They scan for eligibility and reply, but the process apparently takes weeks. The County has been getting practically no vaccine.

I'm near the border with another County, people are asking around there in case it's faster (we have ambiguous addresses with PO in the other county), but all they've heard is vague stuff about CVS (and maybe other) drugstore chains doing it. But as far as I know the chains have no vaccine.

I've seen media reports of one drugstore giving vaccinations, it's in another town and I suspect only for residents. There's no clear information chain.

And this is in New York, less than 150 miles from the Big Apple.


Quote from: Irons on February 02, 2021, 12:33:00 AM
Thanks everyone for positive response to my post, much appreciated. Although in good health I am 73, so classified as vulnerable. Was warned of a possible reaction, headache maybe, but there was none. I understand the system is well on track for the over 70s, so Jeffrey I do not think you will have long to wait, my guess March.
Glad you had no bad side-effects Lol. Yes, March is my guess too.
"Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm" (Churchill).

'The test of a work of art is, in the end, our affection for it, not our ability to explain why it is good' (Stanley Kubrick).


     The Second COVID-19 Shot Is a Rude Reawakening for Immune Cells

T cells and B cells, the cells that make antibodies, need several days to study the spike's features before they can respond. But by the time the second injection rolls around, adaptive cells are raring to go, and far faster to react. Some of these cells have even been lingering at the site of injection, out of suspicion that their target would return. Stimulated anew, these sentinel cells will blast out their own cytokines, layering on an extra wave of inflammation. In some people, like my beleaguered neurologist husband, these complex reactions can manifest in fevers, aches, and prolonged exhaustion.

My husband had side effects after his first dose too: a headache, some fatigue, a touch of dizziness—all of which I can safely blame on his innate immune system. Those same innate responses return for another round of inflammation after the second shot. But the ruckus raised after the second injection might be a double whammy: The expected innate cells might be further egged on and amplified by a less sluggish surge of adaptive cells, concentrated near where the needle goes in.

     The article goes on to say that the absence of a reaction to either dose is not an indication of vaccine failure. It's part of the normal variation of immune systems. People who have a mild reaction to the 1st dose are likely to have a stronger reaction to the 2nd one, and people who don't react to one may not react to the second.
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Quote from: Irons on February 02, 2021, 12:33:00 AM
Thanks everyone for positive response to my post, much appreciated. Although in good health I am 73, so classified as vulnerable. Was warned of a possible reaction, headache maybe, but there was none. I understand the system is well on track for the over 70s, so Jeffrey I do not think you will have long to wait, my guess March.

Glad to hear that. I am having my vaccination on Saturday. My partner was vaccinated over a week ago and had no ill effects.