Coronavirus thread

Started by JBS, March 12, 2020, 07:03:50 PM

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Mirror Image

Quote from: Florestan on April 03, 2020, 12:08:28 AM
Thank you, John. Indeed wise choice. Best of luck to you and all your loved ones. Stay safe all!
Quote from: André on April 02, 2020, 04:47:39 PM
Well said, John. Very well said !
Quote from: Kaga2 on April 02, 2020, 06:28:46 PM
Good luck and I think you made a wise choice.

Thanks a lot, gents. I appreciate it!

Mirror Image

Quote from: Pohjolas Daughter on April 03, 2020, 05:07:04 AM

I thought that your governor ordered a shelter-in-place recently?  I saw something online dated March 25th which only said that it was for two weeks though?  Are you considered as working for an essential service?  Can you provide a link to the official website?

Am surprised at the stubbornness of some states and people in terms of wanting to still have religious services (in person--not via Zoom or some other virtual way).   :(  I think that they (the services) are still allowed in some Georgia?

Stay safe and wishing the best for you and your parents.   :)

Best wishes,


I work for Walmart, which is as essential as it gets since it's a grocery store plus selling other items like cleaning chemicals and having a pharmacy. Governor Kemp issued a 'shelter-in-place' order which takes effect today starting at 6 PM or so I read. Essentially, what this means to me is people are not allowed out unless they're buying groceries, seeking medical treatment, or going to the pharmacy. Basically, the essentials that everyone needs to stay alive. I'm not sure if religious services are allowed in Georgia or not, but I did hear in the news of someone getting heavily criticized (perhaps even fined) for holding a service this past Sunday or Sunday before last. Anyway, I've made my decision and my decision is to self-quarantine and I think it's absolutely despicable how some retailers are basically saying "Your paycheck or your health". I chose my health. I have worked for Walmart for 10 years, do you honestly think they'd care if I left? No, because I'm just a number, but my point is people who don't have the choice financially to choose not to work are the ones I'm worried about as they live paycheck-to-paycheck and if, god forbid, someone in their household gets this virus, they're not going to be allowed to come back to work until they're 100% better. I put my foot down and have basically said that my own health and the own well-being of those closest to me are more important than getting a paycheck, which is all that job is to me anyway. I'm currently looking into finding a company that will allow me to work from home. People have to make up their own minds about what they're going to do, but if a person can stay at home and are financially able to do so, then they need to do it. I see people keeping the roads hot going back and forth all day long from one place to another --- these are the people that we need to scared of, because they think they're above the law. The only thing I can do is get what I need from a grocery store and get the hell out of it and, most importantly, STAY HOME!!!

I hope everything is going well for you and this goes for each person here.


Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen


Quote from: Mandryka on April 03, 2020, 08:52:33 AM
New cases have been slowing down recently here. What's happening in Holland?

I don't want to sound too pessimistic but country level numbers mislead, since the virus is spread unevenly. It looks to be peaking in Italy but might only be peaking in the affected northern part. If it gets a foothold in other areas it could explode again. I don't know there are any sources for regional data that are helpful. But I see people saying "whew". That's premature.


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Quote from: Mirror Image on April 02, 2020, 04:14:31 PM
I have to say this nasty monster of a virus has caused so many problems for so many people --- myself included. As of today, I have decided that it was in the best interest of my parents health with whom I live with to not return to work as I don't want to expose them to anything nor do I want it myself obviously. I filed for a leave of absence until early June and whether it gets approved or not won't be of much concern to me. The last thing I want is for any of my loved ones to get this virus because of my own selfish 'need' to work when the easiest solution was to just stay home. I have a good bit of paid vacation time that I have accrued over the past year, so I'll definitely be using this.

I hope all of you are doing well or trying to do the best you can. I have never witnessed anything like this of this magnitude, but, if history has taught us anything, the human spirit will prevail --- we just have to try to live each day the only way we know how to. My prayers are with all of you.
Nice to see you back here John. I'm sure that your decision was very wise, putting your family first. All strength to you and yours.
"Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm" (Churchill).

'The test of a work of art is, in the end, our affection for it, not our ability to explain why it is good' (Stanley Kubrick).


White House plays hardball, orders 3M to stop exporting N95 masks to canadian, latin american markets. 3M warns that the opposite effect might occur if other countries retaliate. Trudeau notes that thousands of canadian nurses cross the border daily to work in US hospitals, warns that there would be consequences to US embargo.

3M press release (see middle paragraph: The Administration also requested that 3M cease exporting respirators)

Politico article:

Pohjolas Daughter

Quote from: Mirror Image on April 03, 2020, 08:51:32 AM
I work for Walmart, which is as essential as it gets since it's a grocery store plus selling other items like cleaning chemicals and having a pharmacy. Governor Kemp issued a 'shelter-in-place' order which takes effect today starting at 6 PM or so I read. Essentially, what this means to me is people are not allowed out unless they're buying groceries, seeking medical treatment, or going to the pharmacy. Basically, the essentials that everyone needs to stay alive. I'm not sure if religious services are allowed in Georgia or not, but I did hear in the news of someone getting heavily criticized (perhaps even fined) for holding a service this past Sunday or Sunday before last. Anyway, I've made my decision and my decision is to self-quarantine and I think it's absolutely despicable how some retailers are basically saying "Your paycheck or your health". I chose my health. I have worked for Walmart for 10 years, do you honestly think they'd care if I left? No, because I'm just a number, but my point is people who don't have the choice financially to choose not to work are the ones I'm worried about as they live paycheck-to-paycheck and if, god forbid, someone in their household gets this virus, they're not going to be allowed to come back to work until they're 100% better. I put my foot down and have basically said that my own health and the own well-being of those closest to me are more important than getting a paycheck, which is all that job is to me anyway. I'm currently looking into finding a company that will allow me to work from home. People have to make up their own minds about what they're going to do, but if a person can stay at home and are financially able to do so, then they need to do it. I see people keeping the roads hot going back and forth all day long from one place to another --- these are the people that we need to scared of, because they think they're above the law. The only thing I can do is get what I need from a grocery store and get the hell out of it and, most importantly, STAY HOME!!!

I hope everything is going well for you and this goes for each person here.
I hope that all goes well for you and they are understanding about your concern for your parents and that you still have a job to go back to after all of this is over.  Please keep us updated.

Best wishes,


p.s.  I found this article about the pastor who was arrested:


Quote from: André on April 03, 2020, 09:37:39 AM
White House plays hardball, orders 3M to stop exporting N95 masks to canadian, latin american markets. 3M warns that the opposite effect might occur if other countries retaliate. Trudeau notes that thousands of canadian nurses cross the border daily to work in US hospitals, warns that there would be consequences to US embargo.

3M press release (see middle paragraph: The Administration also requested that 3M cease exporting respirators)

Politico article:

I told friends last night how appalled I am at this action. I feared Trump would react like this.  I hope we can keep politics to a minimum in this particular thread, but this kind of action is profoundly dangerous. The medical supply system is global and fragile.  Many items come from one or two places, usually abroad. Embargoes are catastrophic.


Quote from: Kaga2 on April 03, 2020, 09:54:11 AM
I told friends last night how appalled I am at this action. I feared Trump would react like this.  I hope we can keep politics to a minimum in this particular thread, but this kind of action is profoundly dangerous. The medical supply system is global and fragile.  Many items come from one or two places, usually abroad. Embargoes are catastrophic.

I agree 100%.

Globalization (so-called 'delocalization') led to this. Far from me to have politics get the upper hand here, but decisions such as these are political by nature and should be denounced as they play to the 'me first', après moi le déluge mentality. We should unite, not fight each other.

Pohjolas Daughter

Quote from: André on April 03, 2020, 10:30:29 AM
I agree 100%.

Globalization (so-called 'delocalization') led to this. Far from me to have politics get the upper hand here, but decisions such as these are political by nature and should be denounced as they play to the 'me first', après moi le déluge mentality. We should unite, not fight each other.


Quote from: Mirror Image on April 02, 2020, 04:14:31 PM
I have to say this nasty monster of a virus has caused so many problems for so many people --- myself included. As of today, I have decided that it was in the best interest of my parents health with whom I live with to not return to work as I don't want to expose them to anything nor do I want it myself obviously. I filed for a leave of absence until early June and whether it gets approved or not won't be of much concern to me. The last thing I want is for any of my loved ones to get this virus because of my own selfish 'need' to work when the easiest solution was to just stay home. I have a good bit of paid vacation time that I have accrued over the past year, so I'll definitely be using this.

I hope all of you are doing well or trying to do the best you can. I have never witnessed anything like this of this magnitude, but, if history has taught us anything, the human spirit will prevail --- we just have to try to live each day the only way we know how to. My prayers are with all of you.

Many have had to make painful choices. We have to do what is right for ourselves, our family, our loved ones and our communities. I hope it works out for you and your family.

I am thankful that when we go food shopping there is staff there. They deserve extra battle pa for the risk they are taking. At our local Whole Foods market they have limited the number of people in the store, they have put up glass barriers separating the clerks from customers at the check out, and they have divided the floor into boxes which can only be occupied by one person. Still, there is risk. Many retailers do far less to protect staff and customers, and it is not right.


Quote from: Baron Scarpia on April 03, 2020, 01:28:47 PM
Many have had to make painful choices. We have to do what is right for ourselves, our family, our loved ones and our communities. I hope it works out for you and your family.

I am thankful that when we go food shopping there is staff there. They deserve extra battle pa for the risk they are taking. At our local Whole Foods market they have limited the number of people in the store, they have put up glass barriers separating the clerks from customers at the check out, and they have divided the floor into boxes which can only be occupied by one person. Still, there is risk. Many retailers do far less to protect staff and customers, and it is not right.

Agreed. Avoid said retailers.
I am lucky to live near the countryside. Some farm markets are operating a phone order curbside service. So are grocery stores. No personal contact at all. Many businesses here have installed plexiglass and are limiting entry. Pretty responsible stuff around here anyway.

Mirror Image

Quote from: Baron Scarpia on April 03, 2020, 01:28:47 PM
Many have had to make painful choices. We have to do what is right for ourselves, our family, our loved ones and our communities. I hope it works out for you and your family.

I am thankful that when we go food shopping there is staff there. They deserve extra battle pa for the risk they are taking. At our local Whole Foods market they have limited the number of people in the store, they have put up glass barriers separating the clerks from customers at the check out, and they have divided the floor into boxes which can only be occupied by one person. Still, there is risk. Many retailers do far less to protect staff and customers, and it is not right.

Thank you very much. I'm sure it'll work out for me and my family. I know this must be the most stressful time in many people's lives, especially those who work in healthcare. You've got to respect someone who puts themselves in harm's way 24/7 and has made it their life's work to serve people. Personally, I don't know where they get the strength, energy and drive. I no longer allow myself to be subjected to a company whose policies aren't concerned with their associates own general well-being and where their only concern is the bottom line. What these big retailers have failed to realize is that without us serving their customers and putting up with an ungodly amount of bullshit while their bank balances get larger, they wouldn't be in the position they're in right now. More importantly, without customers, I wouldn't have earned a paycheck. I've been in retail since I was 15 yrs. old. I think a change of job will not only be a breath of fresh air for me, but, hopefully, something that I get immense pleasure from. Again, thank you for your message. I appreciate it.


Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro hits out at 'dictatorial' Rio beaches ban

"The Brazilian president has further undermined efforts to control the spread of coronavirus by criticising what he called "dictatorial" moves to stop citizens going to the beach.

In an interview on Thursday, Jair Bolsonaro hit out at Rio de Janeiro's governor, Wilson Witzel, who this week ordered the state's 17 million citizens to stay at home – and off the sands.

"Ban people from going to the beach? My God!" said Brazil's far-right president, who has faced protests and opposition from across the political spectrum for downplaying the threat of Covid-19.

"Beaches are outdoors. There's no problem going there at all," added Bolsonaro, contradicting guidelines "[...]

Carlo Gesualdo

People stay safe at home, don't go out after dark, because now, in some part of Montreal-East and North it's dangerous plain and simple, the corona virus , is a danger , but people  ''street gang'' that don't respect the law attack  do home invasion in Montreal, clue they come from Venezuala and honduras there across the world now these ms?? whatever in  a friend part of town taggs are all over in one night on one street I heard they were three street invasion from illegals criminal gangs, I'm not racist, but can someone do something about it please...

A government official on immigration or something, people are scared of goeing out and some are scare at home of arm burglary, this is serious, Police need to do somesort of profiling of somesort of gangs violent gang, they are there  to profit police busy, so people are not only hostage at there home bull double lock the door, I'm not that afraid since my neighborhood under control police patrol some part of town they don't, tags shown there presence in place , there were not  in the first place they are  trying to own some place of Montreal spread terror, I might sound alarmist, but christ one of my friend  living in hochelaga far away scare to death of going outside. Inquietude is palpable in citizens.

This is not a message about hate, this is a massage about a warning call for police force, check these deadly gangs, there outhere

First thing I notice they were all over my neighborhood last summer try to stole my bike I had to get it inside for safety purpose, the next november a plamplets passer, publicity an hispanic dude try to force my doors in morning during is job.

I'm not hispanic or spagniard phobic some of my friend are  spagniard and basques and they are worried too.. this problem of street gangs rule over five continent is sickening, they are in americas, europe, south-africa , Egypt, even has remote has Seoul Korea, Thailand.

What od we  as human being do , we are in crisis and these deadly gang want to jeopardized on or fear to  burglarized, kill or whatever, us human being: white , brown, black yellow... you get the message this is not hate speech, but what can we do about this...

I'm clueless don't ask me


Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen


Quote from: deprofundis on April 03, 2020, 07:15:45 PM
People stay safe at home, don't go out after dark, because now, in some part of Montreal-East and North it's dangerous plain and simple, the corona virus , is a danger , but people  ''street gang'' that don't respect the law attack  do home invasion in Montreal, clue they come from Venezuala and honduras there across the world now these ms?? whatever in  a friend part of town taggs are all over in one night on one street I heard they were three street invasion from illegals criminal gangs, I'm not racist, but can someone do something about it please...

^I'm not seeing any news out of Montreal this week about gang violence - hispanic or otherwise. Is there something you could link to?


The 7 Best Coronavirus Podcasts - Vulture


America Dissected: Coronavirus (Crooked Media)

Last fall, the progressive media company Crooked Media launched America Dissected, an audio documentary series hosted by a physician and former city health commissioner, Dr. Abdul El-Sayed, that sought to examine America's deeply broken healthcare system and general relationship to science. That debut season laid the foundation for this more immediate second season, which is positioning itself to not only keep listeners updated on the latest COVID-19 development, but root the analysis in a longer view of how we got here.

Coronavirus Daily (NPR)

At this point, all news podcasts are coronavirus podcasts, and one thing to watch is how different news podcasts, traditionally built for more general coverage, find different ways into this demanding story of a global pandemic. But if you wanted to stay close to incremental development, and if you want to keep yourself within the public radio frame of mind, NPR has your back with this specialized daily news podcast.

Coronavirus: Fact vs. Fiction with Dr. Sanjay Gupta (CNN)

Serving up bite-sized episodes that are published daily, the CNN podcast functions really well as a tool for constant anxiety recalibration and modest reassurance. Systematic and thoughtfully-produced, it's good for a daily moment of zen, given the circumstances.

Viral: Coronavirus (ThreeUncannyFour)

Made by the same podcast studio that brought you Broken: Jeffrey Epstein, this podcast endeavors to balance what's happening in the big picture and how you should processing all of it as an individual, without hype or hysteria.

Epidemic With Dr. Celine Gounder and Ronald Klain (Just Human Productions)

If you wish to go deeper into the science and public policy angle of the COVID-19 phenomenon, look no further than this podcast from an infectious disease specialist and the former U.S. Ebola czar. They may not be radio professionals, but that doesn't matter when they're actual experts.

Coronavirus Global Update (BBC World Service)

The coronavirus pandemic is a global phenomenon, obviously, and so if you're hoping to keep daily tabs on what's going on in other countries, the BBC World Service has got your back. The BBC has excelled at this format for a long time with its regular daily news dispatches, so it makes sense that they would be one of the stronger outfits to cover this crisis.

Coronavirus Daily Briefing (Ride Home Media)

An audio digest of all the major coronavirus-related headlines, for folks who really want to stay close to the story. The irony is that Ride Home Media specializes in the listen-to-this-on-your-after-work-commute genre of podcasting, and while fewer people are even commuting at all any more, their COVID-19 briefing will still be useful even if you're stuck at home.