Karajan Mahler 6 - exposition repeat = cut-and-paste?

Started by 5against4, June 15, 2021, 11:50:44 PM

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Quote from: aukhawk on June 21, 2021, 01:40:26 AMA composer - be it Josef Haydn or Philip Glass - may enclose a passage of music in "repeat" marks.  From a composer's point of view, this is done for reasons of economy, and I suppose to reduce page-turning for the performer.  From an interpretive point of view, the most literal meaning is simply "play the same again" and it would be difficult to argue against doing just that.

"play the same again"  -  but not in literally the same way.


Just going back to the first post, I checked the waveform of Karajan's Mahler 6 exposition and exposition repeat and, although they are pretty similar, they are not identical. I attach a link to a capture of the waveform (it was taken from a free and not very professional app—Audacity).


Leo K.

Quote from: nihilnovum on January 12, 2025, 08:35:06 AMJust going back to the first post, I checked the waveform of Karajan's Mahler 6 exposition and exposition repeat and, although they are pretty similar, they are not identical. I attach a link to a capture of the waveform (it was taken from a free and not very professional app—Audacity).


Thanks for the update, I really appreciate it!

(poco) Sforzando

Quote from: Roasted Swan on June 24, 2021, 10:47:38 PMIt was the '77 Beethoven 5 - all I would say with Beethoven is that everyone (well I've never heard a performance that doesn't) does take the repeat and its very short so there is a kind of organic whole.

Toscanini NBC did not take the repeat. (And of course not in the finale either.) I would have no hesitation in editing the WAV for the first movement to include the first-movement repeat; it would not be possible to do so for the finale.
"I don't know what sforzando means, though it clearly means something."


Munch and Walter never took the repeat in LvB 5:I. As a matter o fact, they rarely if ever took any repeat !