Beethoven: 32 Variations on an Original Theme in C minor

Started by ando, December 17, 2023, 05:53:30 AM

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Joining in on the composer's birthday celebrations. Here's one of the great recorded performances in terms of clarity and command:

Glenn Gould, piano


Yes, I've known this performance for years an I think it is exceptional. There used to be a Gould recording f op 126/3   on you tube which was also special -- I can't find it but it's on my hard drive, it lasts 4:32
Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darĂ¼ber muss man schweigen


This has some similarities to the recording he made of the first movement of the Appassionata where the work is slowed down and essentially deconstructed.

For a more conventional take I really like what Gilels did with this piece.



Just found this old thread of mine about Beethoven's piano variations - and immediately played Cziffra's WoO 80 (for the first time in 12 years.) What I said then I say now - poetic and (hence) special.
Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darĂ¼ber muss man schweigen


Gould is slightly slow (IIRC even a bit slower in his studio recording) but it's no way close to going to half speed like in the Appassionata and it works very well for the variations, I think (although I probably like Gould best in the most underrated variation set, op.34 F major).
Tout le malheur des hommes vient d'une seule chose, qui est de ne savoir pas demeurer en repos, dans une chambre.
- Blaise Pascal


The Gilels from his EMI recording.

He also recorded some of the other variations which are well worth a listen.

As an aside, I remember tackling this piece when I was in my mid teens and just loved playing it. It was good practice  for the left hand.
