Helen Donath, soprano

Started by Xenophanes, June 19, 2024, 07:38:54 PM

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She married Klaus Donath. She's actually from Texas. She is about the same age as me. She had a bubbly personality and was a bit of a character. She sang for over 50 years, taking good care of her voice. 


She never became on of the most famous singers in the world, but she was very good. Not all the good singers become world famous. I could say the same of three local sopranos, who are also fantastic. I gave some thought to what recordings to show off what she could do. 

First, there is Bach Cantata no. 51 with Marriner and the ASMF--and I thought Schwarzkopf was fast! Wow! Maurice Andre on the trumpet!


Schubert's Shepherd on the Rock


And at age 74!
