The unimportant news thread

Started by Lethevich, March 05, 2008, 07:14:50 AM

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Quote from: Ken B on October 07, 2015, 05:08:01 PM
Who is Scott Lively?

This guy

But note he thinks the death penalty is "too harsh".  He would not be throwing people off roofs.

Ken B

Quote from: Jeffrey Smith on October 07, 2015, 05:33:05 PM
This guy

But note he thinks the death penalty is "too harsh".  He would not be throwing people off roofs.
Oh then Daverz's comment really is fatuous. The challenge was, will anyone deny these men's action were motivated by their religion, Islam. Why would Lively deny that? He's more likely to praise them for that.


Quote from: Ken B on October 07, 2015, 05:50:34 PM
Oh then Daverz's comment really is fatuous. The challenge was, will anyone deny these men's action were motivated by their religion, Islam. Why would Lively deny that? He's more likely to praise them for that.

Lively gives what he considers socialological arguments that don't refer to religion.  Which is why he says he is fine with gays who practice homosexuality discreetly (ie, hide in the closet), he just doesn't want them marrying and strutting down the street .
So Lively would object.
Myself, I agree with Coyne. The arguments of the type Lively presents ignore the fact that heterosexual marriage was the best type of marriage in preceding generations because it was the only type allowed.


Quote from: Greg on October 07, 2015, 06:43:59 PM
Didn't read the article, but would state gun laws really matter if you could just go to another state with looser gun laws to get a gun?

You have to be able to legally possess it, which depending on the state, involves permits, mandated training, etc.

As an example, consider the regimen laid down in Chicago, outlined in this post


Quote from: Jeffrey Smith on October 07, 2015, 07:10:29 PM
You have to be able to legally possess it, which depending on the state, involves permits, mandated training, etc.

As an example, consider the regimen laid down in Chicago, outlined in this post
Not sure exactly how that applies to my question... but yeah, sounds rough for them if they want a gun for protection. A couple thousand bucks for cost/training, etc. would be unaffordable for most.

Ken B

Quote from: Jeffrey Smith on October 07, 2015, 06:00:29 PM
Lively gives what he considers socialological arguments that don't refer to religion.  Which is why he says he is fine with gays who practice homosexuality discreetly (ie, hide in the closet), he just doesn't want them marrying and strutting down the street .
So Lively would object.
Myself, I agree with Coyne. The arguments of the type Lively presents ignore the fact that heterosexual marriage was the best type of marriage in preceding generations because it was the only type allowed.
Huh? Lively would object to the conclusion that the ISIS members are throwing that guy off the wall because he violated sharia, or that their support for sharia derives from their religious views? Pull the other one.


The universe is change; life is opinion. - Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

People would rather believe than know - E.O. Wilson

Propaganda death ensemble - Tom Araya


The universe is change; life is opinion. - Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

People would rather believe than know - E.O. Wilson

Propaganda death ensemble - Tom Araya


"Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ― Mark Twain

The Six

Police Officers Gone Wild! Vol. 652: How to break an NBA player's leg and influence people

So cops can confront Thabo Sefolosha, break his leg, and charge him with...something. The broken leg ended his season, and effectively did the same for his team. Instead of taking a plea deal, he fought the charges to clear his name.

QuoteAt the trial Sefolosha explained the scene on the night of 8 April. According to the 31-year-old, he was walking away from a commotion outside of the 1Oak nightclub in New York City, accompanied by his team-mate Pero Antic (who was also arrested that night but had the charges dropped against him soon after) and two women. Sefolosha said he was followed by officer JohnPaul Giacona who said to him, "With or without a badge, I'm going to fuck you up and I can fuck you up." Sefolosha claimed he was then attacked when he extended his arm to give money to a homeless person by the name of True.

"Two or three officers were pulling me. I said, 'Relax.' They never gave me a direct order. One is pulling on my right. One is pulling on my left and someone had a hand on my neck," Sefolosha said.

The officers tried to insist that Sefolosha already had a broken leg before the altercation, despite the fact that he played a game earlier that day. So cops are allowed to beat you, lie about it, and charge you with an offence.

But hey, he was cleared of all charges so...justice?


Quote from: The Six on October 13, 2015, 01:02:50 PMBut hey, he was cleared of all charges so...justice?

Here's a guy who can afford to go after the police in civil court.  Desired change will require legislative and judicial action.  Has he filed suit?
The universe is change; life is opinion. - Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

People would rather believe than know - E.O. Wilson

Propaganda death ensemble - Tom Araya

The Six

Quote from: Todd on October 13, 2015, 01:12:32 PM

Here's a guy who can afford to go after the police in civil court.  Desired change will require legislative and judicial action.  Has he filed suit?

Apparently he's not yet decided if he'll sue or not.

North Star

"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it." - Confucius

My photographs on Flickr

Dancing Divertimentian

Veit Bach-a baker who found his greatest pleasure in a little cittern which he took with him even into the mill and played while the grinding was going on. In this way he had a chance to have the rhythm drilled into him. And this was the beginning of a musical inclination in his descendants. JS Bach

mc ukrneal

Are you guilty when arrested? When does the state owe you public defense if you cannot afford an attorney? Here's the take from a Mississippi judge...
Be kind to your fellow posters!!

The Six

Yet another entry into the "America is super racist" files.

QuoteBucks center John Henson says he was the victim of alleged racial profiling at a posh Milwaukee-area jewelry store, and he has taken to Instagram to call attention to what he called "one of the most degrading" incidents he has experienced.

Henson, who is black, alleged the discrimination began Monday, when luxury jeweler Schwanke-Kasten in Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin, turned him away from entering the store. Henson said two Whitefish Bay police officers then approached and asked him what he was doing there, why he wanted to go into the store and how he came to be in possession of the vehicle he was driving.

"They [Schwanke-Kasten] locked the door and told me to go away," Henson said in the Instagram post. "After I rang the doorbell twice, everyone went to the back. No [one] answered the door or told me what was going on."

Oh no, a black person! Run to the back!