
Started by маразм1, May 06, 2008, 01:37:53 PM

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Quote from: маразм1 on May 07, 2008, 12:32:32 PM
you guys love to digress.  this is not a "let's post your random thoughts about nothing thread".  I need help educating a person who has a Masters degree in Bio Engineering. 

Help me.  I've never felt more frustrated! ???

Your problem is that you are trying to apply genetics to heritage. Your ancestral heritage has nothing to do with genetics. Your genes determine your physical characteristics. Your height, hair color, eye color, skin color, etc. Genes can determine if you are a genius, special needs, or something in between. you may consider yourself"Jewish" if you want. Or not. I don't believe your genes determine that except in your possible racial makeup. If you're Jewish or not is a DECISION you make, not a genetic determination.

(poco) Sforzando

Quote from: маразм1 on May 06, 2008, 01:37:53 PM
I have a problem.  I need help convincing somebody about my genetic composition.  It's simple, but, for some reason the person keeps arguing with me and driving me nuts! 

Both my grandmothers are Russian, and both my grandfathers are Jewish.  what does that make me GENETICALLY?  I'm not saying anything about the Jewish rule that if your mother is Jewish you are Jewish, etc.

So according to any sane person, I'm 50% Jewish and 50% Russian.  Can somebody please think of clever ways of explaining this idea?

This person keeps saying that I'm a 1/4 Jewish because 1/2 divided by 2 is 1/4!!!

UGH!  thanks guys in advance.

Tell him that by that logic you're also 1/4 Russian, which leaves 1/2 of you unaccounted for.
"I don't know what sforzando means, though it clearly means something."

Robert Dahm

Both of your parents are half-Jewish/Russians. If one of your parents was 'other', then you would be a quarter Jewish and a quarter Russian and half 'other', but as it is, the equation is not 1/2 x 1/2, but rather (1/2 x 1/2) x 2 (because you have two parents that are the same).


You know something.  I have serious doubts about American education system sometimes.  How the hell can a person with a Masters degree be so darn stupid?  I just don't get it!  This person needs to go back to go back to studying for a GED. >:(


thanks guys!  the person is now convinced and I'm appeased.  Locking this thread.