Attention cellists!

Started by MISHUGINA, January 02, 2008, 12:23:38 AM

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To cellists: How often do you change your strings, and what brand you use? How often you snapped a string, especially the A string?


Professional cellists change their strings once  every three months on average, but there are varing opinions on how necessary this is. The main fear is the A string snapping - Jarger is what I use on the top two strings and alot of other do too (although spirocore and helicore are also hgh quality strings) but Jarger snap fairly often as they can only be tightened about a tone above where they should be before they snap. I've had 3 A strings snap in 5 years, and one g string, but it really depends on how much you practice.

The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away


Off string topic, but something cellists and others may enjoy.

Links to Stephen Kates' 2002 interview, and sad to say, his 2003 obituary.

The new erato

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