How is the weather?

Started by Mozart, November 23, 2007, 11:01:07 PM

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Lilas Pastia

A lot of people prefer year-round warmth, while others prefer changing weather. In northern climes 80% of the people cheer and their mood lightens up at the first snowfall. The novelty effect wears off after thee first 3 or 4 months of course :D, so it's time for another change!  I couldn't live in a place where seasons don't change. That's probably why the northeastern states are those I prefer, and Vermont above all others!

When people get older they also then to always feel cold, so I think that the combination of old bones and availability of money is what makes the southern states so popular with senior citizens.


If only "old" people are attracted to warm climates, how come the States of Florida, Arizona and Nevada are building schools (to accommodate the influx of pupils) at a breakneck rate? People of "retirement" age don't usually have children in the public schools.
Young people are moving to those climes because those are the places that offer multiple job opportunities. The population of this country is in the midst of a shift from the northeast to the southwest. And relatively low taxes are one of the factors attracting them (except in California).
"Good", is NOT good enough, when "better" is expected


Quote from: Iago on November 25, 2007, 03:31:49 PM
If only "old" people are attracted to warm climates, how come the States of Florida, Arizona and Nevada are building schools (to accommodate the influx of pupils) at a breakneck rate?
cuz of all the Mexicans!  ;D

(i'd think that people would be turned off by all the hurricanes by now)


Climate? In Florida? It feels like a rice paddy in Laos for 9 months of the year! The period from November to February is the only time the climate could be called "nice".

Gurn Blanston

Quote from: Iago on November 25, 2007, 03:31:49 PM
If only "old" people are attracted to warm climates, how come the States of Florida, Arizona and Nevada are building schools (to accommodate the influx of pupils) at a breakneck rate? People of "retirement" age don't usually have children in the public schools.
Young people are moving to those climes because those are the places that offer multiple job opportunities. The population of this country is in the midst of a shift from the northeast to the southwest. And relatively low taxes are one of the factors attracting them (except in California).

I'm fairly sure, actually, that it is to accommodate the children of people in the service industries. Certainly that's true in Florida, not so sure about Nevada. Of course, there IS a shift towards warmer climates, but a lot is also going to states that aren't known especially for catering to oldsters. A prime example being Texas. Only a lunatic would come here to retire... ;)


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Quote from: Gurn Blanston on November 25, 2007, 04:09:02 PM
A prime example being Texas. Only a lunatic would come here to retire... ;)

So, George W Bush is going home after he's done in the Whitehouse, then? ;)

XB-70 Valkyrie

Der Schnee is fast hier! Der kommt im Morgen!
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Quote from: 12tone. on November 25, 2007, 08:48:41 AM
Wow.  I'm Canadian and I've seen it pretty cold.  It's pretty cold these days and no one is grumpy.  That's because we're oh...what was it, oh yeah, Canadian.  Do people in Alaska, Norway, Russia fight because it's so cold?  No.  They were born into that climate.  It's what they're used to. 

If you went to those places and were grumpy I could see that because you're used to the warmness of where you live.

People in those places and here in Canada don't get grumpy because 0c isn't weather 'out of the blue'.  It's normal where it should apply.

Come on Iago...

I agree with Iago (particularly considering I am generally freezing at any weather below 55-60F, :-\). in NY that would mean from Mid-October to end-of-April.

There is obviously a change of attitude between people living in warm climates and cold climates. The colder climates do not necessarily induce people to fight (to the contrary in fact, warmer climates bore hot blooded people), but it does affect their general outlook on life. As a general rule, warm climate makes the people more social, as they spend more time outdoors, socializing. World's more hospitable nations are generally the ones closer to the equator (The Mediterranean, South America, Middle East in general, etc..)

Plus, people generally just look better  ;D Probably due to the fact that they wear less garments and thus have to take better care of themselves.

Personally, I would not mind living in a constant 80-90F environment year-round  8)


Quote from: Corey on November 25, 2007, 03:57:13 PM
Climate? In Florida? It feels like a rice paddy in Laos for 9 months of the year! The period from November to February is the only time the climate could be called "nice".
February is horrible..... you ever wait for the bus and shiver the whole time uncontrollably, freezing to death? And have your nose running the whole time, for 2 or 3 months? And get sick once or twice a year? i hate the winter!


Quote from: EmpNapoleon on November 25, 2007, 12:02:26 PM
I recently learned a method to keep warm from a taxi driver.  I haven't used it yet, since the Chicago winter has not arrived.  He basically told me to relax.  I should try and compose myself when I'm shivering, chattering my teeth, moving around to shake the cold.  As I relax, the temperature of my body will automatically increase 2 degrees.  And I won't look like an compulsive maniac.  Hope it works.

If your body temperature increases 2 degrees, isn't that a fever?

Its currently 7 c degrees...wonderful! This is the coldest i can expect here. My parents think im a lunatic when I go out in such weather with just a tee shirt :) But I love the feeling and since there is no wind...its not bad at all. Just my feet, sometimes I wear 2 pairs of socks.

orbital says:
14F  (-10C)
Feels like -2F (-19C)


Quote from: Corey on January 03, 2008, 06:13:05 AM

ugggh don't remind us... every year you have to wear two coats one day, and a t-shirt the next, back and forth  :P


In Buenos Aires, 36oC now (4.45 pm), and not a cloud
in the sky. We are all boiling here. :( :(
Piantale a la leche hermano, que eso arruina el corazón! (from a tango's letter)


It seems that Baja Ca is getting some more perspiring clouds this week. Kind of strange I think.

Lilas Pastia

Gorgeous weather: minus 20 , with 1.5m of snow since December 1.  :D


That's what our weather looks like:

Look real close and you see a ridge, look real close. The reason you can't see more clearly is because it's snowing very hard, blocking the camera!  ::)


Quote from: Iago on November 25, 2007, 08:41:04 AM
IMO, anybody living in a "cold" climate needs to have their head examined.

I guess I need to make an appointment with a doctor, because I love where I live, in spite of the cold winter months.   ::)


That's my front yard and driveway!


Here in Copenhagen it has just turned colder, so now it is minus 2-3 degrees during the day, and a bit lower in the night. But no snow yet. :(

Generelly the danish weather sucks! In the summer it is always too cold and gray, the same in the winter just much colder. Only 1 or 2 months during the summer time, it is actually nice.