Coronavirus thread

Started by JBS, March 12, 2020, 07:03:50 PM

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Pohjolas Daughter

My ("stupidly-expensive multivitamin"--a term borrowed from one of my doctors!) has above the recommended amount, but is low in calcium...thankfully, I like my dairy, greens, and sometimes eat nuts (should go back to snacking on things like almonds).  I am trying to get outside more during the wintertime...found a place that I like to walk/hike (and when doing REALLY well...jog along).  Am trying my best not to get too close to others whilst on the trail (or take one of the alternate mini-trails).

JBS and all, thank you for the links and suggestions.

And, Dave, you (unless there is some medical reason) really need to get outside more!  It'll cheer you up....fresh air, some sunshine...plants, birds...all good.   :)  Just mind the people.




Quote from: k a rl h e nn i ng on March 23, 2020, 12:03:41 PM
Does your mail have to be quarantined?
The only comment on that article is great.

"What about the Boston Globe paper? I think that would hold the virus for a while."

Wagie wagie get back in the cagie

71 dB

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Quote from: Pohjolas Daughter on March 23, 2020, 01:12:38 PM
And, Dave, you (unless there is some medical reason) really need to get outside more!  It'll cheer you up....fresh air, some sunshine...plants, birds...all good.   :)  Just mind the people.



Thanks PD.  The funny thing is that the line about  "You know you're already isolated..." was from my nephew, who is a lot more outgoing than me. 

Yeah, the only thing to avoid outside are those... people...

There's also a bit of sun on the edge of my balcony if I get out there about now...


Pohjolas Daughter

Quote from: greg on March 23, 2020, 01:53:14 PM
The only comment on that article is great.

"What about the Boston Globe paper? I think that would hold the virus for a while."


I know, hard to believe what is true these days....too much info and too much of it conflicting!  Personally, that would be the least of my concerns (getting it from my mail).  My thoughts personally:  wash your hands often and well and try your best not to touch your eyes, nose, and mouths...mind your local laws, be polite when shopping for supplies, and try to remember to do your best to keep your distances from other folks but it's o.k (and I think good) to be kind and friendly to others (helps to lower everybody's stress).

And be nice to your letter carrier.   ;) :)




     Could Blood from Coronavirus Victims Help the Sick?

As Casadevall pointed out in his Wall Street Journal piece, one of the earliest uses of convalescent plasma involved a school physician in the 1930s using blood serum from those who had recovered from measles on dozens of schoolchildren, only three of whom later developed mild cases of the disease.

More recently—and more relevant to the current outbreak—doctors also used passive antibody therapy during the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome or SARS epidemic. In a very small study, doctors in Taiwan treated three patients suffering from severe cases of SARS—a virus from the same family as COVID-19—with convalescent plasma from the recovered and found that all three, who had failed to respond to previous treatments, survived.
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Pohjolas Daughter

Quote from: Daverz on March 23, 2020, 02:11:46 PM
Thanks PD.  The funny thing is that the line about  "You know you're already isolated..." was from my nephew, who is a lot more outgoing than me. 

Yeah, the only thing to avoid outside are those... people...

There's also a bit of sun on the edge of my balcony if I get out there about now...

Balcony sounds nice!  And it's a good start too.   ;)  :)


Quote from: 71 dB on March 23, 2020, 02:10:23 PM
I guess if you mail-order some Corona Beer...  :P

Just got my snail mail and made sure I did the 20 second hand wash afterward...

I also got a DoorDash delivery of beer from a local brewery earlier (Karl Strauss; delicious).  It's really hard to get Amazon Fresh deliveries right now (hint: have your cart ready to go and check out at midnight), Instacart is impossible, but DoorDash seems fairly easy, probably because it's so expensive.

Interesting that beer is the only thing that never seems to go out of stock.  Probably because we are awash in grain and malt from American agriculture.


Hollywood Beach Broadwalk


" Older people would rather die than let Covid-19 harm US economy – Texas official
Lieutenant governor Dan Patrick tells Fox News: 'Do we have to shut down the entire country for this? I think we can get back to work'

Patrick, a Texas Republican, praised the president's focus on the economy on Monday and said that it had "lifted" his heart.

"I don't want the whole country to be sacrificed," Patrick said. "I've talked to hundreds of people ... and everyone says pretty much the same thing: We can't lose our whole country. We're having an economic collapse."

"We're going to be in a total collapse, recession, depression, collapse in our society if this goes on for another several months," Patrick said. "As the president said, the mortality rate is so low. Do we have to shut down the entire country for this? I think we can get back to work."

Patrick said that, as someone who turns 70 next week, he was in the high-risk group, but that he was willing to give up his life for his six grandchildren.

"Look, I'm going to do everything I can do to live," Patrick said. "But if you said, are you willing to take a chance ... If I get sick, I'll go and try to get better, but if I don't, I don't."

When I was a graduate student I knew people who were working on Public Service Strategy, Politics and International Relations who would have models to quantify financially the value of a life, and I guess where you have to make these huge decisions, that's what's needed. How else are you to decide what to do rationally?
Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen


In the Netherlands additional measures were announced, mainly to prevent people from congregating. Though people are still not locked up in their homes like in Spain or Italy.

The most significant and element however, was that the duration of all measures was extended to the 1st of June.
Two more month of this, is going to be though on individual people and on the economy.



Oh for fuck's sake, I can't think about this, I'm going to listen to a Haydn piano trio.
Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen


Quote from: Mandryka on March 24, 2020, 01:41:15 AM
Oh for fuck's sake, I can't think about this, I'm going to listen to a Haydn piano trio.

Excellent idea.  :D


Summary of the article:
Strong coronavirus measures today should only last a few weeks, there shouldn't be a big peak of infections afterwards, and it can all be done for a reasonable cost to society, saving millions of lives along the way. If we don't take these measures, tens of millions will be infected, many will die, along with anybody else that requires intensive care, because the healthcare system will have collapsed.
I'm worried about where I am: Japan. If Japan escapes disaster, it will be seen as an outlier and a "miracle case." I hope so but I'm very skeptical. Yes Japanese wear masks routinely. Yes they don't shake hands. Yes they closed schools and attractions. But there's been no social distancing here, no playground or restaurant or shopping mall closures. People are going to work and have been all along  :(


Quote from: milk on March 24, 2020, 02:49:36 AM
Summary of the article:
Strong coronavirus measures today should only last a few weeks, there shouldn't be a big peak of infections afterwards, and it can all be done for a reasonable cost to society, saving millions of lives along the way. If we don't take these measures, tens of millions will be infected, many will die, along with anybody else that requires intensive care, because the healthcare system will have collapsed.

A very interesting analysis! I read through the entire thing.

It does make me very, very worried about developing (underdeveloped) countries: with their weak governments, overpopulated slums, and weak health care systems, it would for them be a enormous challenge to supress the outbreak of the virus and nearly impossible to contain it afterwards....

Like any crisis, this will hit the weakest the hardest.


mc ukrneal

Quote from: vandermolen on March 24, 2020, 02:42:02 AM
Re: vitamins etc - this was advice from a doctor friend.

If you can find it, he recommended, Quinine, usually to be found in combination with bioperine, astralgus root, vitamin C, echinacea purpurea and zinc.

If you can't find it (like me!) Vitamin D and C together should be helpful. You need a good quality (Solgar) Vitamin D tablet (1450 mg) and a high dosage (Solgar) Vitamin C tablet (1000mg). Take them for three days after a meal (one capsule of each). Your body will then have more resistance against the virus. It does not mean that you won't get it but you should be able to fight it off better. From then on take one capsule of each every three days.

Make sure that none of this interferes with existing medication.

VERY IMPORTANT: Only use Paracetomol as a pain killer (all the others, ibuprofen, nurofen etc make it easier for the coronavirus to enter your body). DO NOT USE THEM!

Hope that helps.
I would be careful about giving medical advice on a forum. What you are writing does not entirely match what I have read about the virus, so I would be doubly careful.
Be kind to your fellow posters!!


Quote from: vandermolen on March 24, 2020, 02:42:02 AM

VERY IMPORTANT: Only use Paracetomol as a pain killer (all the others, ibuprofen, nurofen etc make it easier for the coronavirus to enter your body). DO NOT USE THEM!

Afaik, nobody seems to be really certain about the use of Ibuprofen.
From the BBC:
Stories have been circulating online suggesting it's dangerous to take ibuprofen if you have coronavirus. Alongside genuine medical advice, false messages have been spreading, distorting the facts.

Speaking to the BBC, medical professionals said that ibuprofen is not recommended for managing coronavirus symptoms.

The NHS says that, while "there is currently no strong evidence that ibuprofen can make coronavirus (Covid-19) worse, until we have more information take paracetamol to treat the symptoms of coronavirus, unless your doctor has told you paracetamol is not suitable for you."

Those already taking ibuprofen for other conditions should not stop without consulting a doctor, though.

Both paracetamol and ibuprofen can bring a temperature down and help with flu-like symptoms. But ibuprofen and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are not suitable for everyone and can cause side-effects - especially for people with asthma, heart and circulatory problems.

The NHS website previously recommended both paracetamol and ibuprofen, but has since changed its advice.

There is also some evidence linking ibuprofen to more severe illness from other respiratory infections.


Quote from: vandermolen on March 24, 2020, 02:42:02 AM
If you can't find it (like me!) Vitamin D and C together should be helpful. You need a good quality (Solgar) Vitamin D tablet (1450 mg) and a high dosage (Solgar) Vitamin C tablet (1000mg). Take them for three days after a meal (one capsule of each). Your body will then have more resistance against the virus. It does not mean that you won't get it but you should be able to fight it off better. From then on take one capsule of each every three days.

OBS;OBS: What is this? The daily need of D-vitamin is in the range of 10 micrograms - elderly people maybe twice as much, so tablets containing
1450 mg sound like heavy overdosing, which may be harmful.
Reality trumps our fantasy beyond imagination.


Quote from: vandermolen on March 24, 2020, 04:34:11 AM
Re: My earlier message about vitamins please see below:

'I clearly stated that the body needs to be saturated. We are not talking about a proper dose, we are talking about protection against the effects of Coronavirus.
That means no more than for 3 days, 1 D capsule in this dose and one C capsule, after that 1 capsule of D & C every three days.

I only stated in my advice what is widely known as a deterrent against some of the effects of Corona, but it is not a cure.
Medical conditions of patients have to be taken in consideration in regard to the D vitamin.'

This is from a doctor but I agree that it is best to seek your own medical advice. My reason for posting was because some GMG members were asking for advice about vitamins and I had, coincidentally just received such advice and thought that it might be helpful to share it.

But you must have got something wrong, and this is why you ought not to give advices like this.

Only one of the D vitamin tablets you mention contains a toxic dose for a human being, even if we suppose, that the tablets are 1450 micrograms and not 1450 milligrams as you write. 1450 milligrams is a so monstrous high dose, that I doubt tablets with this dose exists.
Reality trumps our fantasy beyond imagination.


Quote from: Que on March 24, 2020, 01:37:49 AM
The most significant and element however, was that the duration of all measures was extended to the 1st of June..

This is at least more realistic than the actually declared duration we see in some other countries, my own being among them. And even then the measures may probably have to become extended still more.

I wish the best for you and also for all the other Duch posters here including Marc, Harry, Traverso and Herman.

Reality trumps our fantasy beyond imagination.