Luigi Boccherini (1743-1805)!

Started by SonicMan46, December 09, 2008, 09:39:31 AM

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That's what I'm afraid of  >:( .

All CPO sets I have are simple repackagings. Don't they know the value of space economy ?  ::)

Mirror Image

Quote from: André on September 25, 2017, 07:00:11 PM
That's what I'm afraid of  >:( .

All CPO sets I have are simple repackagings. Don't they know the value of space economy ?  ::)

Yeah, IMHO, it's a rather sloppy approach, but, thankfully, so many of their recordings are outstanding that it more than makes up for the shoddy packaging. :)

mc ukrneal

Quote from: André on September 25, 2017, 06:38:07 PM

8 discs, 28 symphonies (all of them ?). Anyone considers this is worth listening as a whole ? Second question: is it a slim box or a repackaging of 8 individual discs ?
While I've enjoyed the set, it does take up a lot of room as it is simply 8 discs put together.
Be kind to your fellow posters!!


Quote from: mc ukrneal on September 25, 2017, 07:13:25 PM
While I've enjoyed the set, it does take up a lot of room as it is simply 8 discs put together.

Otoh, if one likes Boccherini's music, this set is essential.
"Great music is that which penetrates the ear with facility and leaves the memory with difficulty. Magical music never leaves the memory." — Thomas Beecham


They know the value of not having to design and put together new packaging. It is a tiny label compared to the majors and their output is quite amazing (of course a lot of it made possible by co-operation with German/European radio broadcasters). The documentation and annotation also ranks from pretty good to outstanding, so they would lose the booklets or have to reformat and design them as well. I can well imagine that they want to save such expenses.
I don't know the box in question but I also have never seen slim boxes from them. I have several of their Boccherini chamber recordings and these ones are generally very good.
Tout le malheur des hommes vient d'une seule chose, qui est de ne savoir pas demeurer en repos, dans une chambre.
- Blaise Pascal

mc ukrneal

I think CPO have done a few slimmer boxes. The most recent version of the Spohr Violin Concerto box is a smaller box. The Loewe Lieder box is thinner too, but I don't remember if they released those separately or not. At 20 discs, maybe it was just too big.
Be kind to your fellow posters!!


So many things to discover, such low prices on line, and yet time and space have become essential considerations (wasn't the case 10 years ago). I already have 51 discs of Boccherini but I crave for more. The 37 disc Brilliant set is on my radar. I have half of it already, but the ridiculous price makes the whole thing more advantageous than filling the gaps. The CPO set of the symphonies is very tempting also. I have 4 discs of them symphonies in other versions, but the Goritzki approach seems markedly different, therefore justifying the investment.

Of course I'd sell duplicates to make room for the new stuff, but it would still mean I'd have to expand and reshuffle to make room. My shelves are bursting and discs almost fall off them. This is getting crazy.


Quote from: André on September 26, 2017, 07:19:34 AM
The CPO set of the symphonies is very tempting also. I have 4 discs of them symphonies in other versions, but the Goritzki approach seems markedly different, therefore justifying the investment.

Beside the fabulous performance, a big plus on the Goritzki's side are the liner notes: some of the most complete and informative ever.
"Great music is that which penetrates the ear with facility and leaves the memory with difficulty. Magical music never leaves the memory." — Thomas Beecham


One can always repackage stuff oneself, although it does not work so well with extensive booklets/notes. I have put several 100 discs from "fat" double to slim double cases and even transferred them to paper sleeves in the case of some older Brilliant boxes that had jewelcases but no real booklets, only one sheet of paper with minimal track info.

I have about 25 discs with Boccherini (probably a few more pieces on mixed discs), about 15 symphonies among them and this is sufficient for now.
Tout le malheur des hommes vient d'une seule chose, qui est de ne savoir pas demeurer en repos, dans une chambre.
- Blaise Pascal


Quote from: André on September 26, 2017, 07:19:34 AM
So many things to discover, such low prices on line, and yet time and space have become essential considerations (wasn't the case 10 years ago). I already have 51 discs of Boccherini but I crave for more. The 37 disc Brilliant set is on my radar. I have half of it already, but the ridiculous price makes the whole thing more advantageous than filling the gaps. The CPO set of the symphonies is very tempting also. I have 4 discs of them symphonies in other versions, but the Goritzki approach seems markedly different, therefore justifying the investment.

Of course I'd sell duplicates to make room for the new stuff, but it would still mean I'd have to expand and reshuffle to make room. My shelves are bursting and discs almost fall off them. This is getting crazy.

Hi André - I've also 'eyed' that Goritzki CPO box - owned many of their boxes and all are 'bulky' single jewel box compilations that take up a LOT of my shelf and cabinet space; plus, I already have most of Luigi's Symphonies - see quote below, i.e. 25 total (w/ a couple of dupes) - out of curiosity, I looked at Boccherini's Symphonies list HERE - made a combo pic below (red asterisks are the ones I own) - appears he composed about 30 w/ 'Symphony....' as the starting description, so I'm pretty set @ two dozen, BUT will look on Amazon today is see what may be new?  Dave :)

QuoteSymphonies (Total = 25 + 2 Duplications)
G. 493 - 498 (Op. 21) - Goritzki (6)
G. 503 -  508 - Leppard-New PO (6)
G. 509  - 514 - Pople/London FO (6)
G. 511 & 517-Savall/Le C.Nations (2)
G. 515, 517, 518 - Erxleben/NewBlin (3)
G. 519 - 522 - Erxleben/NewBlin (4)


Thanks fo the info, Dave! The discs I have are on your list: the Leppard op 12 and Erxleber Capriccio performances. And I can't say I'm satisfied with either. Sound clips of various movements from the Goritzki set reveal the kind of transparent sound and singing approach to phrasing I have in mind for Boccherini. 


Quote from: Florestan on September 26, 2017, 07:23:39 AM
Beside the fabulous performance, a big plus on the Goritzki's side are the liner notes: some of the most complete and informative ever.

Quote from: André on September 26, 2017, 11:58:57 AM
Thanks fo the info, Dave! The discs I have are on your list: the Leppard op 12 and Erxleber Capriccio performances. And I can't say I'm satisfied with either. Sound clips of various movements from the Goritzki set reveal the kind of transparent sound and singing approach to phrasing I have in mind for Boccherini.

Well, after posting, I listened to my one Goritzki recording (an MP3 purchase) and enjoyed; then to both discs of Leppard (performances from 1972) and not as pleased - AND, I just dumped a soundbar above my HDTV and have some storage available! BUT that CPO box is $54 on Amazon USA - for those who have been researching, any 'cheaper' offers around?  I could cull out most of my previously listed CDs w/ this replacement box?  Not in in hurry, though.  ;)  Dave

ADDENDUM: OK, after checking a few of my 'across the pond' sites, JPC has the box for $35 (pic below) - but there is that fixed shipping price, SO I'll need to add some items - let me browse the site. :)

P.S. - my JPC cart is now showing 25 Euros, so down to $30 USD - boy that's nearly half price from Amazon USA - definitely need to add a few more items and make an order - :)

P.S.S. - made the order for $30 USD - added a few other items to even out the shipping - :)


Orders from outside the E.U. are not subject to VAT or some other tax, which make it a nice deal - for US customers anyway (exchange is more or less at par and shipping is affordable). For your North of the border neighbour though the exchange is 55% AND shipping (in euros of course) is much more expensive. They jacked up the shipping charges to over double what they were last I checked (last week). We're talking more like 57$ here  :(


Quote from: André on September 26, 2017, 04:03:34 PM
Orders from outside the E.U. are not subject to VAT or some other tax, which make it a nice deal - for US customers anyway (exchange is more or less at par and shipping is affordable). For your North of the border neighbour though the exchange is 55% AND shipping (in euros of course) is much more expensive. They jacked up the shipping charges to over double what they were last I checked (last week). We're talking more like 57$ here  :(

Sorry André - did not know that there was that much difference - Dave


Les deux Journées/ Le porteur d'eau

After Médée, this is the most successful opera Cherubini composed.  It was created in 1800 (Napoleon era) and recounts an episode of the French revolution.  To avoid censorship, the action was transposed under Mazarin cardinal regence.

The musical writing is very classical -very Mozartian in many ways- more so than in his earlier operas Médée, Lodoiska, Kourkougi.  For this reason, I much prefer Médée and Lodoiska, far more dramatic and musically more inventive.


Luigi TTT! - well, there has been some recent Boccherini activity in the listening thread, which might just be needed in this dormant thread started by me back in 2008!  So, please for those posting about Luigi, add some comments here.  For myself, I now have over 70 CDs of his instrumental music w/ some duplication, e.g. Cello Concertos and Guitar Quintets - I've attached that portion of my database (may need a click to see better) for those who may be just getting into Boccherini and want some suggestions; also for the latter, go back to my opening posts for some bio and links to his works.  Dave :)


I had a request from Dave to visit this thread which I had not done before. I do not believe that I can add anything substantial by way of contributing but Dave is a good guy so I made an effort on his behalf.  :)
I have always liked the music of Boccherini, who indeed could not, but I am most certainly no expert on it.

I recently acquired this wonderful set performed by Europa Galante. They certainly need no introduction to people here and I would be a long term admirer of their music making.

Whether it has been the amount of elapsed time since I have listened to any of Boccherini's music or whether this set was so good that it made such a big impression on me I am still uncertain. Either way, It was a most enjoyable and engaging set of listening sessions.

I will simply cross post some comments.

Guitar Quintet IV G448 Fandango: This is very fine and refined music and music making. The string quartet and the guitar synchronize harmoniously throughout the presentation. The musical language is very engaging and appealing. The tempo changes throughout the work add great contrast, excitement, tension, drama and energy to the work as a whole. Most enjoyable and engaging music and music making. The slow movements are equally successful in delivering the musical message. The final movement is a really wonderful display of this superb music. It is a tremendous and vigorous performance.

Guitar Quintet "La reiterate di Madrid G.453: The music of the opening movement is very elegant, beguiling and refined and it is wonderfully presented here. The extensive slow movement is also very elegant and restrained in tone, in a wonderful way. The string quartet writing is particularly fine here. I really liked the light and graceful third movement. I find the writing for both the guitar and the cello noteworthy in this movement. I really like the music in the final movement. It is very determined and deliberate [for want of better expressions] and I find it very engaging. How wonderful is that fade out at the conclusion of the work! This is a really very fine work by any standard.

String Quartet IV Op. 24/6: What a wonderful work this is. The music flows so effortlessly throughout.

String Quintet Op. 25/1: The music in the opening section of the first movement is quite forlorn and intense. It reminded me of some of JS Bach's Trauermusik. The tempo soon picks up but the tone is still somewhat wonderfully subdued. This tone prevails somewhat throughout the work with its charming and elegant music.

String Quintet Op. 25/4: Here is more elegant and utterly charming music.

String Quintet Op. 25/6: This is elegant and beguiling music from the first note to the last. The regrettably short interlude where the cello is made to sound like a spanish guitar is wonderful.

At the conclusion to my listening to this Europa Galante set I asked the question: Is Boccherini a really serious rival to Haydn in the areas of charm, grace and elegance in chamber music at least?
I answered myself with: Revisiting his music after a long absence, via this wonderful set, I really do believe so.


The topic has previously been discussed here, I know, but anyone that is interested in the Chamber Music of Boccherini will find the jump into his Symphonies an easy one [and indeed vice-versa].

His Symphonic writing is quite akin to chamber music in its structure, presentation and feel. The music is pleasant, melodic and quite inventive so it keeps one's attention. The playing by the relatively small forces under Goritzky maintains a chamber atmosphere and preserves a sense of intimacy which I think both suits and enhances the music by revealing its inherent sparkle through the lighter textures.

The Symphonic music is definitely worth exploring as indeed, if you have not already done so, is the Chamber Music. He is definitely a composer worth your time.


Thanks Fergus for your fine contributions to Luigi's thread!  8)

My database is done in the Numbers app on my Apple laptops so cannot get a LOT of detail into each listing, but for those 'prolific' composers, I keep more specific details in Google Docs and have a Boccherini document - below is just part of the works owned showing String Quartets & Quintets w/ their Gerard & Opus numbers - according to this great SOURCE, the Op. 25 Quintets are G. 295-300, i.e. not in my collection of nearly 3 dozen (of course he wrote many more!).  Dave :)


Quote from: mc ukrneal on September 25, 2017, 07:13:25 PM

While I've enjoyed the set, it does take up a lot of room as it is simply 8 discs put together.

Quote from: Florestan on September 26, 2017, 07:23:39 AM
Beside the fabulous performance, a big plus on the Goritzki's side are the liner notes: some of the most complete and informative ever.

This is a really wonderful set of performances and is a must for every serious Boccherini fan.