A theme by Rossini...

Started by Ciel_Rouge, January 29, 2009, 09:13:11 AM

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I am merely a beginner in the world of opera so forgive my ignorance. From which Rossini opera does this "theme by Rossini" come from?



That's the "Moses" variations, on a theme from Rossini's Dal tuo stellato soglio. I didn't watch the clip all the way through, but I believe the solo part is supposed to be played on one string only.


Sorry, the opera is Moses in Egypt, the aria is "Dal tuo stellato soglio".  :P


Thanks a lot. I am still on my way into opera, this is the kind of a piece that might do it. I like a couple of arias already but I am more into music than drama and I like arias to have a moving "melody", not just conveying the action. I might finally become a real opera fan one day.


Thanks to Ciel_Rouge for the video and to Chrone for identifying the work. :)