A new recording or a new piece?

Started by The Mad Hatter, April 11, 2007, 03:52:51 PM

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So which does it for you?

New Music?
New Recording?

The Mad Hatter

I ask this because I see many threads on great recordings - while obviously some recordings are superior to others, I would almost invariably shop for something I've never heard before, rather than a better recording of something I already own or know well.

So my question is this: do you prefer buying new recordings of familiar pieces, or does the discovery of a something you've never heard before make you go all tingly?

And...um...my second question is this: How do I add a poll to this thing?


Definitely I go for the unfamiliar music, unless it's potentially a really special recording...
Imagination + discipline = creativity


New music, any day. Especially since there's so many important composers I haven't heard yet!


Read my reviews countless, of unknown music!
Discovery is the name and the game!


New music for me. I try to avoid multiple recordings because I know it's a dangerous disease and it can't be cured. :)
"Great music is that which penetrates the ear with facility and leaves the memory with difficulty. Magical music never leaves the memory." — Thomas Beecham


I'd usually go for the new piece. But if there's some recording that I know is excellent (based on recommendations or because I have a hunch ;))... Well... ;D

Quote from: The Mad Hatter on April 11, 2007, 03:52:51 PM
And...um...my second question is this: How do I add a poll to this thing?

There's an "add poll" option at the very bottom of the page.



Quote from: The Mad Hatter on April 11, 2007, 03:52:51 PM
So my question is this: do you prefer buying new recordings of familiar pieces, or does the discovery of a something you've never heard before make you go all tingly?

I went through a long phase where I did not buy the same work in more than one performance. By doing so, I was able to zero in on what I really liked. These days I usually buy new recordings of familiar pieces, either when I am disatisfied with the performance altogether or if I simply want another look at a piece that I love. I never would rule out new works, however, especially when one is recommended to me. That's one of the greatest things about places like this, people can get to know your likes and dislikes and make informed recommendations. 


  New music of course, especially if it blows me away.  There is one exception though, I had been saving to buy SOLTI's Ring Cycle (Wagner).  The only other recording I had was Furtwangler's RAI recording.  When I finally got Solti's Ring the enjoyment I got out of it was unbelievable!  It was a combination of my familiarity with the Ring over a period of 5 years coupled with the great sound of the Solti recording.....it was a completely new experience for me.



Discovering a new piece -- something that you really like and have never heard before -- is one of the great rewards of the flood of recordings we have today.  Virtually every month, I discover something I've never heard before that promises to be replayed dozens of times in the future. 

I love new recordings, especially those that improve on poorly performed or recorded ones in the past, but there is nothing like that "wow" feeling when you hit on a new piece with which you really connect. 



Quote from: jochanaan on April 11, 2007, 09:12:25 PM
Definitely I go for the unfamiliar music, unless it's potentially a really special recording...

Hear, hear.