RARE PIANO CONCERTI...Mana-Zucca and who else?

Started by Slezak, July 11, 2013, 03:47:54 PM

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I am wondering if anyone would be interested in the fine Piano Concerto by the lady who went by the name Mana-Zucca. This is a really nice work, which is hardly known. I have her doing this with the Pasdeloup Concerts Orchestra, under Jean Allain. To fill the CD, it would be your choice of Anton Rubinstein's Concerto in D, Op. 70, with Shura Cherkassky(at age 75), Josef Marx' Concerto in E, with Jorge Bolet, or Felix Draeseke's Concerto in E b, Op. 36, with Werner Genuit. These are all excellent performances in fine sound. Price would be $8.00. Let me know if you're interested, and what YOU would want on the disc. The most votes determines what goes on to accompany the Mana-Zucca.  Steve Slezak  (spcv1@netzero.net)