The GMG "How to...?" thread

Started by Maciek, April 14, 2007, 03:59:35 PM

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Quote from: 71 dB on August 22, 2009, 08:06:42 AM
Brian instructed you wrong secondwind. Hotlinking is not nice, it is using someone else's bandwidth. You should upload the pic to a picture host and after that post the link here. The host automatically generate the link for you so it's just copy paste job.

Don't be an ass and hotlink Amazon. Thanks to the idiots, Amazon's server works slower.

If amazon wanted to block use of links this way they could easily do so, as some other sites do.  Since they don't they presumably don't find the practice a problem, and it may be a benefit to them, since it is an implicit advertisement when people notice where the link originates.  So I urge you to ignore the advice above.


Quote from: secondwind on August 22, 2009, 07:39:14 AM
???As my high school Latin teacher, Mr. Hunt, would say, "Into English good please put!"

   I have a bunch of right-click options added to the basic ones. When I download music or rip a CD I'll right-click and:

   dBPowerAmp batch convert

   Enqueue in Winamp

   Play in Winamp

   Easy CD-DA Extractor> Convert
                                   Edit Metadata
                                   Burn to Audio CD
                                   Burn to MP 3 CD/DVD
                                   Burn to Data CD/DVD

   Open with>                {various programs}

   Extract to>                {blah blah, etc.}

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:136.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/136.0
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:128.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/128.0

Mullvad 14.0.7


Foobar can do that too, and that program is free.  I have no idea what that has to do with posting images on this forum. ???


    I made a joke and he asked what I meant.
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:136.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/136.0
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:128.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/128.0

Mullvad 14.0.7


     So now this is the "how to make a joke" thread. Right click on the joke and... :)
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:136.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/136.0
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:128.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/128.0

Mullvad 14.0.7


Quote from: secondwind on August 22, 2009, 07:39:14 AM
???As my high school Latin teacher, Mr. Hunt, would say, "Into English good please put!"

Quote from: 71 dB on August 22, 2009, 08:06:42 AM
Brian instructed you wrong secondwind.

Brian did not "instruct you wrong," secondwind. 71dB just doesn't like that method, that's all. As for drogulus, now he was instructing you wrong and just trying to show off.

drogulus: :P ;) (secondwind is a she. This is a "How to identify gender with symbols" thread.)



     Those symbols are too small.

Quote from: Lilas Pastia on January 22, 2009, 08:09:47 PM
Hear, hear! I can't stand seeing the Oil & Economic Meltdown thread popping up on the 'Show new replies' list. I wish I had never posted in it  >:(. Rob, where are you wnen we need you - so badly ? I want to make a fresh new start  0:)

    That's why I don't use that feature. Once several years ago I posted in a thread called "Time Machine" at AVS Forums and made the mistake of checking "notify by email". It's one of those threads that's about every kind of "what if" you can imagine like parallel universes and telepathy, IOW a real pain. I'm still getting emails 4-5 years later. I haven't looked at that thread since shortly after I posted in it. Anyway, I won't be doing anything like that again. Once in a while I go over to "Meltdown" to see if the world is still ending, and finding that it is I relax. One day I expect I'll go there and find that everyone is unaccountably suffused with enthusiasm for our economic prospects, and that's when we'll probably get hit by a giant asteroid. :D

    secondwind, once you get comfortable with posting images you'll want to check out the Resizing Images thread here. Before I read it I was downloading images to my desktop to resize them and then uploading them to ImageShack. This makes it much easier.
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:136.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/136.0
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:128.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/128.0

Mullvad 14.0.7


Thanks to everyone who has been trying to help me learn to post images!  I lost track of this discussion when it was moved to the "How to" thread. . . that's what happens when someone tidies up after me, I can't find anything!  (I know I left that thread around here somewhere, now where did I put it?) 

Unfortunately, you are all usually talking over my head.  Hotlinking?  Upload?  Picture host?  Post a link?  dbPowerAmp batch convert?  Sorry, but it's a foreign language to me, and I don't even have a dictionary yet!  I'll see if there is a 12-year-old child in the neighborhood who can explain it to me! ;D  Until then, I'll keep experimenting and re-reading your explanatory posts to see if I can make any progress. 


This is what do:

Go to Google Image search;

Do the search, in normal Google fashion;

A page of of thumbnails (small pictures) appears that contains your search terms, scroll through them until you find the image you want;

Click on it. (This will bring you to the page where that image appears split into two frames, the image at the top and the page filling the remainer of the screen.)

Click the link that says "see full size image";

This produces the image with a URL in the location bar.  Copy that.

In the GMG Reply box find the image shortcut icon (third from the left just above the emoticons (smilies)) and click it.  This will produce this in the Reply box "[img.][/img.]" (without the dots)

Paste the link from your image in between the two [img] codes.

And that's all there is to it.


Quote from: 71 dB on August 22, 2009, 08:06:42 AM
Don't be an ass and hotlink Amazon. Thanks to the idiots, Amazon's server works slower.

You know, this anyone who thinks differently to me is an ass and an idiot wheeze gets funnier each time.  Keep it up, Poju!


I couldn't find instructions on gmg on how to post mp3s, so I reverse engineered how Que did it and thought I would share so that we could start sharing music samples more often. :)

1. You need to use a server that allows hotlinking, the one that Que uses, File Den allows that.

2. Once you register on one of those sites and upload your mp3, you need to get the url for it.  For example mine is

3. You use the mp3 tag, and this is the generic format--


You usually want height to be around 1/10 of the width but feel free to make it whatever you want, just don't make the height too small.  The two common combinations are 200, 20 and 240, 24.  The third number is for manually controlling when the mp3 starts or not, autostart=0 means that the poster has to start it themselves if they want to.  Autostart=1 is just being a jerk (it starts automatically)!  The last one is position and it can have values of left, center or right.  So if you want to start at the beginning of the track and make your little mp3 player 240x24 with autostart disabled and it centered this is what the code to do it looks like--


which produces [mp3=240,24,0,center][/mp3]

4. Does it play?  I ran into this issue-- if your file name is too long or contains unusual characters, you might have a problem.  Simply rename it something simple.  The only other potential problem is that you are using a server that does not allow hot linking.

Now if someone does this but switches autostart to 1, and you are using firefox and adblock you can simply click "block" on the corner of the little mp3 player and you won't be aggravated upon future visits. :)

Edit: I replaced the full track I had with a little snip of something else. :)


And for a detailed in-depth analysis of the feature ;D, go here:

Embedding MP3 files


Oh thanks Maciek, I tried all sorts of searching but didn't come up with anything. :(



Okay so I looked up official policy and found

QuoteIllegal Activity
GMG will not tolerate the discussion or promotion of any illegal activity. In particular, GMG should not be used as a means for distributing or sharing copyrighted music files. File sharing is strictly prohibited on GMG. Small music samples may be posted on the forum, but anything that contravenes copyright laws will not be acceptable behaviour.

So before I go hog wild with mp3s on gmg, how small is small?  Might I post a few minutes of a movement, would that be fine?  If we know what qualifies acceptable, I think we could see alot more people posting clips which would be neat (posting something longer than amazon clips and at a higher bitrate would be cool).

Dungeon Master

Quote from: DavidW on August 31, 2009, 07:47:04 PM
Okay so I looked up official policy and found

So before I go hog wild with mp3s on gmg, how small is small?  Might I post a few minutes of a movement, would that be fine?  If we know what qualifies acceptable, I think we could see alot more people posting clips which would be neat (posting something longer than amazon clips and at a higher bitrate would be cool).

Unfortunately, copyright law is a very nebulous area.

Most copyrighted music can be reproduced under certain circumstances known as "Fair Use". I suggest reading Wikipedia's article about Fair Use.

Basically it boils down to this. You can use or reproduce a piece of music without infringing copyright laws if:
1. The use is not for commercial purposes
2. The commercial value of the reproduced music is small
3. The proportion sampled is small compared to the entire work
4. The effect on the original owner of the music is small

What commercial values, what proportion, and how much of an effect on the original is not clearly defined.

I suggest that using short (less than 1 minute) samples of works, where the purpose is to discuss, educate or review, and NOT to share, should be allowable on GMG.

Hope this helps more than it confuses.



Thanks Rob, I think that clarifies the issue. :)


Question:  How to use multiple quotes?  How to quote from various other topics into the topic you want to post or reply in?

I haven't noticed this to be covered on this thread, and found it not quite touched upon in the 'Help' tab.

I know several members use this function, and seem pretty fast in using it too, so it must not be as complicated as it would seem.

I imagine that it involves opening a second GMG forum window so you can peruse other threads and not lose your reply box in your first GMG forum window?

Thanks guys!  :)


Quote from: Brahmsian on October 22, 2009, 05:33:29 AM
Question:  How to use multiple quotes?
Here. :)

QuoteHow to quote from various other topics into the topic you want to post or reply in?

I imagine that it involves opening a second GMG forum window so you can peruse other threads and not lose your reply box in your first GMG forum window?

Tabs are my preferred choice, but the principle remains the same. ;) In other words: yes, that's a way to do it. :)



Quote from: opus106 on October 22, 2009, 05:56:23 AM

Here. :)

Tabs are my preferred choice, but the principle remains the same. ;) In other words: yes, that's a way to do it. :)

Quick Reply box?