Movies you just cannot take seriously that want you to do just that.

Started by Bogey, October 12, 2007, 03:13:27 PM

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Due to some recent posts on the other movie thread, thought this would be is one that should kick it off nicely:

As soon as seen the gloves exploding as they hit (see below) in the opening credits I knew I was in trouble.

There will never be another era like the Golden Age of Hollywood.  We didn't know how to blow up buildings then so we had no choice but to tell great stories with great characters.-Ben Mankiewicz


Quote from: Bogey on October 12, 2007, 03:13:27 PM
Due to some recent posts on the other movie thread, thought this would be is one that should kick it off nicely:

As soon as seen the gloves exploding as they hit (see below) in the opening credits I knew I was in trouble.

That was pretty bad. But I loved "Rocky Balboa" (the movie) and the first 3 in the series.

The "Celestine Prophecy" is one of the worse movies I've ever seen. Some preposterous hocus pocus junk. By the time the lead character spouted "It's a new step in evolution!" both my girl and I simultaneously burst out "SHUT UP!".


Independence Day.  God that was awful.  The whole climax of the story relies on the insame assumption that aliens from another planet use AppleTalk.


Quote from: hornteacher on October 12, 2007, 03:21:31 PM
Independence Day.  God that was awful.  The whole climax of the story relies on the insame assumption that aliens from another planet use AppleTalk.



Quote from: hornteacher on October 12, 2007, 03:21:31 PM
Independence Day.  God that was awful.  The whole climax of the story relies on the insame assumption that aliens from another planet use AppleTalk.

I also really liked Bill Pullman's repeated "Jeezuss!"



Quote from: Haffner on October 12, 2007, 04:11:13 PM

Wasn't that the entire script?

No, it's missing a "Sunzabitches".

As for me, I say Fassbinder's Chinese Roulette.

By the time it got to the deaf woman dancing with crutches to Kraftwerk, I had given up all hope of the movie redeeming itself.


Troy was pretty hilarious. The entire cinema cracked up every time Brad Pitt took his gear off.

But I'm not sure whether that film wanted you to take it seriously though ??? ;D.
Durch alle Töne tönet
Im bunten Erdentraum
Ein leiser Ton gezogen
Für den der heimlich lauschet.


Perhaps I misunderstand, Bill.  From the thread title, I expected a thread devoted to movies that want you to take them seriously, but are too ludicrous to regard as anything but a joke--movies like Titanic or Fahrenheit 911, that insult the viewer's intelligence when they ask to be taken seriously.

Granted, I didn't see Rocky IV, but did see Independence Day and certainly nothing about that suggests it's meant to be anything other than a hokey sci-fi/disaster flick!


Quote from: longears on October 12, 2007, 05:01:22 PM
Perhaps I misunderstand, Bill.  From the thread title, I expected a thread devoted to movies that want you to take them seriously, but are too ludicrous to regard as anything but a joke--movies like Titanic or Fahrenheit 911, that insult the viewer's intelligence when they ask to be taken seriously.

Granted, I didn't see Rocky IV, but did see Independence Day and certainly nothing about that suggests it's meant to be anything other than a hokey sci-fi/disaster flick!

Yeah I thought that Independence Day was a tongue-in-cheek comedy. :)

Of course I mean has comedic elements.


Quote from: longears on October 12, 2007, 05:01:22 PM
Perhaps I misunderstand, Bill.  From the thread title, I expected a thread devoted to movies that want you to take them seriously, but are too ludicrous to regard as anything but a joke--movies like Titanic or Fahrenheit 911, that insult the viewer's intelligence when they ask to be taken seriously.

Granted, I didn't see Rocky IV, but did see Independence Day and certainly nothing about that suggests it's meant to be anything other than a hokey sci-fi/disaster flick!

Don't you take Kate Winslett's Babylons seriously?

XB-70 Valkyrie

Gone with The Wind

Flame me if you like, but for me, this movie is a huge snooze-fest. AND I find that I can muster ZERO sympathy for Scarlett O'Hara! I have sympathy for all the soldiers who died and were injured in that horrible war, for their wives, for all the slaves who were owned by people like Ms. O'Hara, and even the men who had to put up with her (Rhett Butler, Ashley, etc.). But I find her a spoiled, whiny, self-absorbed bore.
If you really dislike Bach you keep quiet about it! - Andras Schiff

XB-70 Valkyrie

If you really dislike Bach you keep quiet about it! - Andras Schiff


Quote from: XB-70 Valkyrie on October 12, 2007, 09:36:45 PM
Oh yeah,

STAR WARS (All of 'em, especially the "prequels")

Actually, even while being a rather commited Star Wars fan (though not more than I am a Tolkien fan), I can assure you that they were not initially meant to be taken all that seriously, either.

And even the "prequel" trilogy, which is on a more "serious" note, is deliberately "cheesy": as per George Lucas' own words! It's just the man's idiom, I suppose. But I still think it works. :)

david johnson

 'contact' (carl sagan) - deliver me, it think's it is serious.

'phenomenon' (travolta) - gag a maggot.

'kramer vs. kramer' - chuckle, hard to sit through.  i won't do that again.



Quote from: XB-70 Valkyrie on October 12, 2007, 09:34:00 PM
Gone with The Wind

Flame me if you like, but for me, this movie is a huge snooze-fest. AND I find that I can muster ZERO sympathy for Scarlett O'Hara! I have sympathy for all the soldiers who died and were injured in that horrible war, for their wives, for all the slaves who were owned by people like Ms. O'Hara, and even the men who had to put up with her (Rhett Butler, Ashley, etc.). But I find her a spoiled, whiny, self-absorbed bore.

I wouldn't say she's a bore, but her character is supposed to be spoiled and whiny. That's part of the point.
There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact. --Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

71 dB

I name Pearl Harbor;D

Quote from: XB-70 Valkyrie on October 12, 2007, 09:36:45 PM
STAR WARS (All of 'em, especially the "prequels")

Star Wars is fantasy adventure. I am huge SW fan myself and consider the saga (all 6 movies) the best there is. People who whine about the prequels do not understand anything about Lucas' art.

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Quote from: 71 dB on October 13, 2007, 03:05:16 AM
I name Pearl Harbor;D

Star Wars is fantasy adventure. I am huge SW fan myself and consider the saga (all 6 movies) the best there is. People who whine about the prequels do not understand anything about Lucas' art.

I'm a great Star Wars fan as well, however I find the notion that SW somehow constitutes "art" completely ludicrous. Frankly, I think that delusion to be one of the reasons the prequels came out worse than the original trilogy.
A legible handwriting is sign of a lack of inspiration.


Quote from: Daidalos on October 13, 2007, 03:14:02 AM
I'm a great Star Wars fan as well, however I find the notion that SW somehow constitutes "art" completely ludicrous. Frankly, I think that delusion to be one of the reasons the prequels came out worse than the original trilogy.

I'm not sure as to the "completely ludicrous" designation, In reference to the original SW and Empire Strikes Back... I'm not sure as to the "completely ludicrous" designation. Both were cowboys-in-space epics, and I feel that the heroic portrayals of several of the characters were done quite well. I guess if a person considered cowboy movies to be a form of "Art" (I'd readily contend that the "Unforgiven" was, for example) then he or she would classify the early SWs as such also.

In regard to the 3rd SW installment and the prequels, I have to side with Daidalos. The heroic aspect of the first two films seems way too pre-packaged to me at least...I guess that goes for the entire latter franchise as well.