Hindemith's Harmonie

Started by Greta, March 21, 2008, 08:38:29 PM

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Karl Henning

Quote from: JBS on March 25, 2020, 04:46:36 PM
I don't recall any real differences between the earlier and later scenes. But it has been a bit since I heard it. 

My general practice is rather boring: the standard begin at the beginning and end at the end routine, I confess.

I did the same, though I had somehow stubbed my aural toe before scene 3.
Karl Henning, Ph.D.
Composer & Clarinetist
Boston MA
[Matisse] was interested neither in fending off opposition,
nor in competing for the favor of wayward friends.
His only competition was with himself. — Françoise Gilot

Karl Henning

Das Nusch-Nuschi is based on a "play for Burmese marionettes" by the minor Expressionist writer Franz Blei. A nobleman, Zatwai is being all four of the Burmese Emperor's wives. When the crime is discovered, Zatwai's servant manages to throw the blame on an aged general, who is sentenced to be castrated. But the general has previously encountered a terrible mythic beast, the Nusch-Nuschi ("nuts-nuts," the slang sense of nuts for testicles) which bit off the relevant portion of his anatomy; so the executioner has nothing to use his blade upon, and the opera ends in laughter.
Karl Henning, Ph.D.
Composer & Clarinetist
Boston MA
[Matisse] was interested neither in fending off opposition,
nor in competing for the favor of wayward friends.
His only competition was with himself. — Françoise Gilot

Karl Henning


Cardillac, Op. 39 (1926 version)

Gerd Albrecht, cond.

This is so fabulously good, I am ashamed that it took me so long to engage with it!
Karl Henning, Ph.D.
Composer & Clarinetist
Boston MA
[Matisse] was interested neither in fending off opposition,
nor in competing for the favor of wayward friends.
His only competition was with himself. — Françoise Gilot


Just dropping in to recommend the 5 pieces for strings, Op 44. I think he wrote them as easy pieces which could be played by students (I played them as a student!) but it is a lovely set of miniatures, well worth a listen.

Mirror Image

Thought I would revive this thread with these posts from the 'Purchases' thread -

Quote from: Mirror Image on January 27, 2021, 05:15:54 PM
Ran across a wholesale lot of Ensemble Villa Musica's Hindemith series Complete Sonatas, Vols. 1-7 on eBay, so I snagged it while I could:

There are some other recordings of Ensemble Villa Musica's Hindemith outside of these volumes that I'll probably have to buy as downloads since they're quite difficult to come by as I believe they're all OOP.

Edit: I ended up buying the remain three volumes via downloads since they are so difficult to track down for decent prices -

Quote from: Mirror Image on January 29, 2021, 07:16:30 PM
Stocked up on some more Hindemith:

It seems I've got a good bite on the chamber works at this juncture. The only thing I'm lacking in terms of collecting Hindemith are the solo piano works (I own a few discs of these works) and the opera Cardillac. I own all of the orchestral works, although I don't have all the ballets. I'm missing Triadisches Ballett, but I'm not sure if this work has even been recorded as I can't find it doing some various Amazon searches.


If those are supposed to be a "complete" set of sonatas then where are his fantastic organ sonatas?


The Triadisches Ballett (1916; 1922 -> ) is a famous / infamous work; German Wiki for instance tells quite a bit about the music https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triadisches_Ballett

Originally, music by Mario Tarenghi, Enrico Bossi, Debussy, Haydn, Mozart, Domenico Paradies, Baldassare Galuppi und Händel was being used; later, by Bruno Hartl and Salvino Bertuch. In Paris 1932 a suite on German Baroque music, arranged by Alois Pachernegg. Apparently Schlemmer often tended to use a trio of piano, cello & percussion.

Hindemith's piece for a ballet version (1926) seems to have been for mechanical organ, according to German Wiki (cf. article above, and also https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_der_Werke_von_Paul_Hindemith ). NYT wrote in 1985 that only 8 minutes of the music survives (https://www.nytimes.com/1985/10/03/arts/dance-triadic-ballet-a-la-bauhaus.html), but a source from 2015 says that the music was lost

However, there are around 8 minutes of that organ music, in an old recording on the Koch-Schwann label, featuring organ concertante works by Hindemith, cf. also photos below of the covers https://www.allmusic.com/album/release/paul-hindemith-organ-concertos-suite-for-mechanical-organ-mr0002847081?cmpredirect

I don't own it myself & can't check the liner notes, but the national Danish radio website confirms that this is the Triadisches Ballet music (https://www.dr.dk/musik/titel/das+triadische+ballett+op+40(ballet)suite+for+et+mekanisk+orgel/2274102-1-11)

There's an even older recording of that mechanical organ music on youtube, lasting 13 minutes, apparently with more pieces added later on, as a Suite for Organ op.42,2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyhAPcAR6FI

There's been various attempts at reconstructions of the ballet, starting in 1970 (( 1970 in München (durch Margarete Hasting); 1977 in West-Berlin (Akademie der Künste, durch Gerhard Bohner); 2014 in München (Bayerisches Staatsballett, Juniorcompany II, Reithalle) und Berlin (Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg) (Neuinszenierung der Rekonstruktion der choreographischen Neufassung von Gerhard Bohner durch Ivan Liška und Colleen Scott, gefördert von TANZFONDS ERBE, eine Initiative der Kulturstiftung des Bundes). Seit 2018 getanzt vom Bayerischen Junior Ballett München mit zahlreichen Gastspielen im In- und Ausland.; 2015/17 in Düsseldorf durch das Theater der Klänge, Inszenierung: Jörg Udo Lensing. Choreografie: Jacqueline Fischer. Premiere im Forum Freies Theater und tanzhaus nrw, sowie in Dortmund, Theater im Depot, darüber hinaus mehrere Gastspiele.; 14./16. Juni 2019 Krefeld, Open Air Aufführungen vom Theater der Klänge auf dem Willy-Göldenbach-Platz im Rahmen bauhaus100; 20. Juni 2019 in Darmstadt (Staatstheater Darmstadt) im Rahmen des BAUWHAT?-Festivals )).


Quote from: Mirror Image on January 30, 2021, 06:34:40 AM
Thought I would revive this thread with these posts from the 'Purchases' thread -

It seems I've got a good bite on the chamber works at this juncture. The only thing I'm lacking in terms of collecting Hindemith are the solo piano works (I own a few discs of these works) and the opera Cardillac. I own all of the orchestral works, although I don't have all the ballets. I'm missing Triadisches Ballett, but I'm not sure if this work has even been recorded as I can't find it doing some various Amazon searches.

Hi John - that is quite a 'Hindemith Haul'!  ;D  As a result, I had to take a look at my Hindemith database (below) - nearly 20 CDs - so to expand a little, I ordered the first 2 discs shown, i.e. Viola Chamber Works (a 2-CD set w/ some overlap w/ the Ensemble Villa Musica) and the Wind Concertos - yesterday, I listened to the last recording shown from Centaur which included the Hecklephone Trio, but most of the other works are on my other chamber discs - now, I liked the 'hecklephone' - any suggestions for an alternate recording?  Thanks.  Dave


Mirror Image

Quote from: SonicMan46 on January 30, 2021, 07:51:42 AM
Hi John - that is quite a 'Hindemith Haul'!  ;D  As a result, I had to take a look at my Hindemith database (below) - nearly 20 CDs - so to expand a little, I ordered the first 2 discs shown, i.e. Viola Chamber Works (a 2-CD set w/ some overlap w/ the Ensemble Villa Musica) and the Wind Concertos - yesterday, I listened to the last recording shown from Centaur which included the Hecklephone Trio, but most of the other works are on my other chamber discs - now, I liked the 'hecklephone' - any suggestions for an alternate recording?  Thanks.  Dave


Hey Dave, the only recording I know of the Trio for Viola, Heckelphone and Piano I know is from the Ensemble Villa Musica on MD&G. It seems like it's not a work that has been recorded very often. I own all of those CPO sets of Hindemith's orchestral music, but I figured what I might do instead of ripping all three sets, I might pick out the recordings that contain works that are difficult to find outside the CPO series.

Mirror Image

Quote from: MusicTurner on January 30, 2021, 07:51:41 AM
The Triadisches Ballett (1916; 1922 -> ) is a famous / infamous work; German Wiki for instance tells quite a bit about the music https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triadisches_Ballett

Originally, music by Mario Tarenghi, Enrico Bossi, Debussy, Haydn, Mozart, Domenico Paradies, Baldassare Galuppi und Händel was being used; later, by Bruno Hartl and Salvino Bertuch. In Paris 1932 a suite on German Baroque music, arranged by Alois Pachernegg. Apparently Schlemmer often tended to use a trio of piano, cello & percussion.

Hindemith's piece for a ballet version (1926) seems to have been for mechanical organ, according to German Wiki (cf. article above, and also https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_der_Werke_von_Paul_Hindemith ). NYT wrote in 1985 that only 8 minutes of the music survives (https://www.nytimes.com/1985/10/03/arts/dance-triadic-ballet-a-la-bauhaus.html), but a source from 2015 says that the music was lost

However, there are around 8 minutes of that organ music, in an old recording on the Koch-Schwann label, featuring organ concertante works by Hindemith, cf. also photos below of the covers https://www.allmusic.com/album/release/paul-hindemith-organ-concertos-suite-for-mechanical-organ-mr0002847081?cmpredirect

I don't own it myself & can't check the liner notes, but the national Danish radio website confirms that this is the Triadisches Ballet music (https://www.dr.dk/musik/titel/das+triadische+ballett+op+40(ballet)suite+for+et+mekanisk+orgel/2274102-1-11)

There's an even older recording of that mechanical organ music on youtube, lasting 13 minutes, apparently with more pieces added later on, as a Suite for Organ op.42,2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyhAPcAR6FI

There's been various attempts at reconstructions of the ballet, starting in 1970 (( 1970 in München (durch Margarete Hasting); 1977 in West-Berlin (Akademie der Künste, durch Gerhard Bohner); 2014 in München (Bayerisches Staatsballett, Juniorcompany II, Reithalle) und Berlin (Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg) (Neuinszenierung der Rekonstruktion der choreographischen Neufassung von Gerhard Bohner durch Ivan Liška und Colleen Scott, gefördert von TANZFONDS ERBE, eine Initiative der Kulturstiftung des Bundes). Seit 2018 getanzt vom Bayerischen Junior Ballett München mit zahlreichen Gastspielen im In- und Ausland.; 2015/17 in Düsseldorf durch das Theater der Klänge, Inszenierung: Jörg Udo Lensing. Choreografie: Jacqueline Fischer. Premiere im Forum Freies Theater und tanzhaus nrw, sowie in Dortmund, Theater im Depot, darüber hinaus mehrere Gastspiele.; 14./16. Juni 2019 Krefeld, Open Air Aufführungen vom Theater der Klänge auf dem Willy-Göldenbach-Platz im Rahmen bauhaus100; 20. Juni 2019 in Darmstadt (Staatstheater Darmstadt) im Rahmen des BAUWHAT?-Festivals )).

Thanks for the info, MusicTurner. 8)

Mirror Image

Quote from: DavidW on January 30, 2021, 07:47:38 AM
If those are supposed to be a "complete" set of sonatas then where are his fantastic organ sonatas?

Those would be found on the sixth volume of this series. ;)


Quote from: Mirror Image on January 30, 2021, 06:58:52 PM
Those would be found on the sixth volume of this series. ;)

Ah well then thumbs up!

Absolutely nobody:
Quote from: SonicMan46 on January 30, 2021, 07:51:42 AM
I had to take a look at my Hindemith database

  ;D  Dave you are very organized!

The new erato

Quote from: eoghan on October 03, 2020, 07:24:15 AM
Just dropping in to recommend the 5 pieces for strings, Op 44. I think he wrote them as easy pieces which could be played by students (I played them as a student!) but it is a lovely set of miniatures, well worth a listen.

One of my earliest encounters with Hindemith (I think on an Academy of St Martin LP), and I love them.

The new erato

And I strongly recommend the Nagano DVD of Cardillac if ÿou can find it and are unfamiliar with the opera.


Quote from: DavidW on January 31, 2021, 07:29:34 AM
Ah well then thumbs up!

Absolutely nobody:
  ;D  Dave you are very organized!

Well, I started a classical music database on Access years ago when using PCs - simply imported into Numbers early in my retirement after wife and I switched to all Apple products.  Dave :)


Quote from: Mirror Image on January 30, 2021, 06:56:19 PM
Hey Dave, the only recording I know of the Trio for Viola, Heckelphone and Piano I know is from the Ensemble Villa Musica on MD&G. It seems like it's not a work that has been recorded very often. I own all of those CPO sets of Hindemith's orchestral music, but I figured what I might do instead of ripping all three sets, I might pick out the recordings that contain works that are difficult to find outside the CPO series.

Hi John - the Hecklephone Trio is also on the Centaur CD shown previously (and below), played by Arthur Grossman who also recorded a 'Hecklephone album' - second poor image below - the Amazon link gives the composers quoted as being on that CD; a used copy from the MP is going for $43 - cannot find the recording on Spotify?  Dave :)

QuoteArthur Grossman Plays Heckelphone - Arthur Grossman (Performer), Stanislas Verroust (Composer), Robert Schumann (Composer), Maurice Ravel (Composer), Benjamin Britten (Composer), Erik Satie (Composer) (LINK)

ADDENDUM: checked PrestoClassical, showing a bassoon recording w/ Grossman, pic inserted below; along w/ the Centaur disc.


Karl Henning

Quote from: The new erato on January 31, 2021, 07:53:25 AM
And I strongly recommend the Nagano DVD of Cardillac if ÿou can find it and are unfamiliar with the opera.

Noted, thanks!
Karl Henning, Ph.D.
Composer & Clarinetist
Boston MA
[Matisse] was interested neither in fending off opposition,
nor in competing for the favor of wayward friends.
His only competition was with himself. — Françoise Gilot


Those MDG sonata recordings look extremily attractive.

Oddly I love Hindemith's solo works best. The two sonatas for violin solo and the viola solo works.


Quote from: Herman on January 31, 2021, 11:46:48 AM
Those MDG sonata recordings look extremily attractive.

Oddly I love Hindemith's solo works best. The two sonatas for violin solo and the viola solo works.

They are very good, although OOP, hard to find and often at silly prices.  The only recordings, I would imagine, for some of the sonatas.  Only two slightly odd features of the set - the solo string works don't appear (although the solo keyboard and harp ones do, as do a couple of sets of variations which aren't even sonatas) and the althorn sonata, an instrument of which Hindemith thought highly and (of course) learned to play, is played on the French horn, which sounds nothing like an althorn (which is the baby of the euphonium family, as I understand it).  Alexander Melnikov's Sonatas for... disc on Harmonia Mundi gets it right.
"All the world is birthday cake" - George Harrison

Karl Henning

Quote from: Herman on January 31, 2021, 11:46:48 AM
Those MDG sonata recordings look extremily attractive.

Oddly I love Hindemith's solo works best. The two sonatas for violin solo and the viola solo works.

Crème de la crème.
Karl Henning, Ph.D.
Composer & Clarinetist
Boston MA
[Matisse] was interested neither in fending off opposition,
nor in competing for the favor of wayward friends.
His only competition was with himself. — Françoise Gilot